UPDATING ADVANCED MODELING TASK GROUP FILES NOTE: The group formerly known as "Macromodel Library" is now the "Advanced Modeling" group. The directory in which the files reside has been renamed from macromodel_wip to atm_wip, with a symbolic link under the old name. This directory has an index.html to present a web page. To introduce new document files (other than meeting minutes), follow these steps: 1) Make an archive directory for the new file. The directory format is date/author/title. For example, if today is 14-FEB-2006 and a "AMS library release" file named ams_lib.zip authored by Arpad Muranyi is to be introduced: mkdir "archive/20060214/arpadmuranyi/AMS library release" 2) Go to the new directory and copy the file in. cd "archive/20060214/arpadmuranyi/AMS library release" cp -p ~/ams_lib.zip . 3) If the file is a zip archive, unpack it. unzip ams_lib.zip rm ams_lib.zip 4) If the new file contains release files, copy them. cp Verilog-A_samples.zip atm_wip/element_lib cp pre-emph_template.zip atm_wip/template_lib cp ibis-ams_conv.zip atm_wip/tools Also update the directory's 00readme.txt to note the change. 5) Run the mkindex.pl script in the top directory cd atm_wip perl mkindex.pl That's it! The script will create a new zip file containing the new directory, and will update the HTML listing files. Place meeting minutes files in atm_wip/minutes. The names correspond to dates like 20060214.txt For help contact webmaster@ibis.org