****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Buffer Issue Resolution Document (BIRD) BIRD ID#: 8.2 ISSUE TITLE: Specification of V/I data monotonicity REQUESTER: Kellee Crisafulli, HyperLynx Inc. DATE SUBMITTED: January 29, 1994 DATE REVISED: May 9, 1994; May 13, 1994 DATE ACCEPTED BY IBIS OPEN FORUM: May 13, 1994 ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE: Statements have been made at various meetings specific to V/I data and monotonicity. This information has not been added to the specification. It is therefore the intent of this BIRD to add a monotonicity statement to the version 2.0 IBIS specification. ****************************************************************************** STATEMENT OF THE RESOLVED SPECIFICATIONS: (The proposed changes start on the 20th line after 'Keywords:'. Note: An '*' is used to denote the changed lines) |============================================================================== | Keywords: [Pulldown], [Pullup], [GND_clamp], [POWER_clamp] | Required: Yes, if they exist in the device | Description: The data points under these keywords define the V/I curves -of | the pulldown and pullup structures of an output buffer -and the | V/I curves of the clamping diodes connected to the GND -and the | POWER pins, respectively. | Usage Rules: In each of these sections the first column contains the | voltage value, and the three remaining columns hold the | typical, minimum, and maximum current values. The four | entries, Voltage, I(typ), I(min), and I(max) must be placed on | a single line and must be separated by at least one white | space or tab character. | All four columns are required under these keywords, however | data is only required in the typical column. If minimum | and/or maximum current values are not available, the reserved | word "NA" must be used. "NA" can be used for currents in the | typical column, but numeric values MUST be specified for the | first and last voltage points on any V/I curve. Each V/I | curve must have at least 2, but not more than 100, voltage | points. | * The V/I table DATA SHOULD BE MONOTONIC to insure that most * simulators provide stable simulations. Monotonic data is * needed to insure that all data is single valued. MONOTONIC * DATA IS NOT REQUIRED to provide a valid IBIS model. * It is recognized that automated measurement equipment may * be used to acquire this data and as such may include "noise" * which causes the data to be non-monotonic. It is also * recognized that some device may be non-monotonic in certain * regions. Therefore the IBIS specification allows non-monotonic * data. Simulation tools should filter out non-monotonic data if * such data causes instabilities in the simulation results. * To be monotonic the V/I table data must meet any one of the * following 8 criteria: * 1- The CURRENT axis either increases or remains constant as * the voltage axis is increased. * 2- The CURRENT axis either increases or remains constant as * the voltage axis is decreased. * 3- The CURRENT axis either decreases or remains constant as * the voltage axis is increased. * 4- The CURRENT axis either decreases or remains constant as * the voltage axis is decreased. * 5- The VOLTAGE axis either increases or remains constant as * the current axis is increased. * 6- The VOLTAGE axis either increases or remains constant as * the current axis is decreased. * 7- The VOLTAGE axis either decreases or remains constant as * the current axis is increased. * 8- The VOLTAGE axis either decreases or remains constant as * the current axis is decreased. * * The IBIS_CHK program will test for non-monotonic data and * provide a maximum of one note per V/I table if non-montonic * data is found. * "NOTE: Line xxx of V/I table yyy for model zzz is * non-monotonic! Most simulators will filter this data * to remove the non-monotonic data." * Where xxx is the line number in the IBIS file. * Where yyy is Pullup, Pulldown, GND_clamp or POWER_clamp. * Where zzz is the name of the model. * * It is also recognized that the some data may be monotonic if * currents from both the output stage and the clamp diode are * added together as most simulators do. To limit the complexity * of the version 2.0 IBIS_CHK program, it will consider only one * V/I table at a time monotonicity testing. * | Other Notes: It should be noted that the V/I curve of the [Pullup] and the | [POWER_clamp] structures are 'Vcc relative', meaning that the | voltage values are referenced to the Vcc pin. The voltages in | the data tables are derived from the equation: | Vtable = Vcc - Voutput | Therefore, for a 5V component, -5 V in the table actually | means 5 V above Vcc, which is +10 V with respect to ground; | and 10 V means 10 V below Vcc, which is -5 V with respect to | ground. Vcc-relative data is necessary to model a pullup | structure properly, since the output current of a pullup | structure depends on the voltage between the output and Vcc | pins and not the voltage between the output and ground pins. | Note that the [GND_clamp] V/I curve can include quiescent | input currents, or the currents of a 3-stated output if so | desired. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************************************************************** ANALYSIS PATH/DATA THAT LED TO SPECIFICATION: I reviewed the previous discussions of the results of the 1993 summit. Considerable email has passed on this discussion. ****************************************************************************** ANY OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The IBIS_CHK program must also be modified to test for this condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From meeting Nov 5, 1993 1) Non-monotonic buffer behavior: Arpad asked, "Do we require monotonic behavior in curves?" If this is a requirement, the parser must check for monotonicity. Jon Powell said that customers want to model non-monotonic parts. Non-monotonic behavior can result from slow feedback designed to prevent parts from melting; thus is is more of a DC phenomenon than an AC phenomenon. Does this pose a convergence problem for some simulators? Is a DC representation of the curve acceptable for some devices? Due to DC current limiting, DC measurements may imply non-monotonic behavior that would never actually occur under real switching conditions. How do we measure in an AC manner instead of DC manner? Behavior that is nonmonotonic due to feedback goes into the controlled slew rate discussion, modeling the dynamic characteristics of device. For IBIS to be useful, it must deal with negative resistance regions. 2) Monotonic data entry: We felt that in IBIS tables, voltage values should be monotonically rising or falling, but that current values may change. The parser should check whether the data is good, but it shouldn't restrict the type of data. A BIRD against the parser should be written at some point to add checks for this in rev 2.0. No specific AR owner was identified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1993 Summit minutes: There are several defined buffer types (input, output, I/O, tri-state, open drain), which drives what information you collect. Collection of data from measurement is a decomposition problem, of trying to sort out the effects of clamps from buffers etc. The companies with whom Bob has worked (Zeelan and Interconnectix) do this decomposition with software. One problem is selecting measurement regions with abnormal behavior, such as non-monotonic behavior caused by device switching or "jumps" in the ESD protection during sweeps. Their software does some filtering of data to eliminate false abnormal behavior. They can also filter for monotonic behavior. Monotonicity, General Discussion -------------------------------- We clarified that one axis of data representation should be monotonic, such as the voltage axis on the V/I curve, but that we could not require that the other axis be monotonic, since we were modeling real components whose nature may not be monotonic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ******************************************************************************