****************************************************************************** ********************* IBIS GOLDEN PARSER BUG REPORT FORM ********************* ****************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS To report a bug in the IBIS golden parser. Please fill out the top part of the following form and send the complete form to ibischk-bug@eda.org. A list of reported bugs will be maintained on vhdl.org. ****************************************************************************** PARSER VERSION NUMBER: 5.1.4 PLATFORM (SPARC, HP700, PC, etc.): All OS AND VERSION: All REPORTED BY: Michael Mirmak, Intel Corp. DATE: Feb. 7, 2014 DESCRIPTION OF BUG: The 6.0 specification strongly implies that only input-only and output-only [Model]s are currently permitted to be associated with AMI data using the [Algorithmic Model] keyword pair. However, there is no explicit prohibition on using any model type with [Algorithmic Model] except Terminator, Series, and Series_Switch. The parser correctly generates no errors if an [Algorithmic Model] keyword pair is associated with a model of Model_type I/O. However, the association of a I/O buffer with either a TX or RX AMI file is ambiguous: there is no way to communicate to the calling EDA tool, either in traditional IBIS or using AMI Reserved_parameters, the directionality state of the buffer at any one time. Ideally, a warning, caution, or note would be generated for buffers of Model_type I/O, 3-state, I/O_open_drain, I/O_open_sink, I/O_open_source, I/O_ECL, or 3-state_ECL. This is likely to be seen as "not a bug" as the specification is ambiguous on this point. This bug can serve as documentation of the need for a clarification to a future revision of IBIS; alternately, a Reserved parameter indicating the direction of current operation could be added to enable I/O AMI models. INSERT IBIS FILE DEMONSTRATING THE BUG: (note that insertion is no longer appropriate if DLL and AMI files are required for succuessful parsing!) This IBIS file shows no errors or warnings. |************************************************************************** | [IBIS Ver] 5.1 | [Disclaimer] This model is for illustration purposes only. | |*************************************************************************** | [File Name] bug150.ibs [File Rev] 1.0 [Date] 10/25/2013 [Source] Developed by: Example Corporation [Copyright] Public domain | |************************************************************************** | [Component] Example [Manufacturer] Example Corporation [Package] | typ min max R_pkg 0.000m 0.000m 0.000m L_pkg 0.000nH 0.000nH 0.000nH C_pkg 0.000pF 0.000pF 0.000pF | |************************************************************************** | [Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin A1 example chip_io_buffer | |*************************************************************************** | [Model] chip_io_buffer Model_type I/O Polarity Non-Inverting | Vref = 0.5 Rref = 50 Vmeas = 0.5 Cref = 0 Vinh = 2.0 Vinl = 0.8 | typ min max C_comp 1.05p 1.05p 1.05p | [Temperature Range] 50 50 50 [Voltage Range] 0.935 0.935 0.935 | |*************************************************************************** | [Algorithmic Model] Executable Windoze_Basik_32 bug150.dll bug150.ami [End Algorithmic Model] | |*************************************************************************** | [Pulldown] -2.50 -0.050 -0.0556 -0.04545 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00000 2.50 0.050 0.0556 0.04545 | [Pullup] -2.50 0.050 0.0556 0.04545 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.00000 2.50 -0.050 -0.0556 -0.04545 | |******************************************************************************* | [Ramp] R_load = 50.00Ohm | typ min max | dV/dt_r 0.7/10ps 0.7/10ps 0.7/10ps dV/dt_f 0.7/10ps 0.7/10ps 0.7/10ps | [END] ----------- bug150.ami ----------- (bug150 (Reserved_Parameters (AMI_Version (Usage Info) (Type String) (Value "5.1")) (Init_Returns_Impulse (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Default True) (Description "Init_Returns_Impulse False")) (GetWave_Exists (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Default False) (Description "GetWave_Exists False")) (Max_Init_Aggressors (Usage Info) (Type Integer) (Default 26) (Description "Max_Init_Aggressors 50")) ) ) ---------- bug150.dll ---------- Dummy File ****************************************************************************** ******************** BELOW FOR ADMINISTRATION AND TRACKING ******************* ****************************************************************************** BUG NUMBER: 150 SEVERITY: [FATAL, SEVERE, MODERATE, ANNOYING, ENHANCEMENT] ENHANCEMENT PRIORITY: [HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW] LOW STATUS: [OPEN, CLOSED, WILL NOT FIX, NOT A BUG] NOT A BUG FIXED VERSION: FIXED DATE: NOTES ON BUG FIX: Classified at the February 21, 2014 IBIS Teleconference Meeting. Will be discussed with respect to a BIRD proposal and IBIS-AMI Flow enhancement. The Status was changed to Not A Bug, as reported at the April 4, 2014 IBIS Teleconference Meeting. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************