****************************************************************************** ********************* IBIS GOLDEN PARSER BUG REPORT FORM ********************* ****************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS To report a bug in the IBIS golden parser. Please fill out the top part of the following form and send the complete form to ibis-bug@eda.org. A list of reported bugs will be maintained on eda.org. ****************************************************************************** PARSER VERSION NUMBER: 5.1.4 PLATFORM (SPARC, HP700, PC, etc.): PC OS AND VERSION: Windows 7 REPORTED BY: Mike LaBonte, SiSoft; Bob Ross, Teraspeed Consulting Group DATE: April 23, 2014 DESCRIPTION OF BUG: Add AMI_Version to Checking Message for AMI Files. The test case consists of bug153.ibs (check with ibischk5 -numbered bug153.ibs) (A Version 5.1 File) bug153a.ami (an IMPLICIT AMI_Version "5.0" file with Init_Returns_Output) bug153b.ami (an AMI_version "5.1" file bug153.dll (a meaningless dummy file) The Checking Message is misleading because the AMI_Version numbers are not identified. ibischk5 -numbered bug153.ibs: ______________________________ IBISCHK5 V5.1.4 Checking bug153.ibs for IBIS 5.1 Compatibility... <-- IBIS Version 5.1 Checking BUG153b.ami for IBIS 5.1 Compatibility... <-- Implicit AMI_Version 5.0 E4624 - Unknown parameter Tx_Rj found as a child of Reserved_Parameters Checking BUG153a.ami for IBIS 5.1 Compatibility... <-- AMI_Version 5.1 Errors : 1 File Failed --- Rather than inherit the ibischk checker number, the checking message for *.ami files should read: Checking bug151a.ami for Implicit AMI_Version 5.0 Compatibility... For AMI_Version "5.1", the message should read: Checking bug151b.ami for AMI_Version 5.1 Compatibility... In general the message for *.ami files should read: Checking .ami for {Implicit} AMI_Version Compatibility... where 'Implicit' is used where AMI_Version is missing. --- Note, for unidentified or illegal AMI_Version numbers, an Error message would still be reported for the AMI_Version parameter ------- INSERT IBIS FILE DEMONSTRATING THE BUG: Four files are included: ---------- bug153.ibs ---------- |**************************************************************** [IBIS Ver] 5.1 | IBIS FILE TO SHOW AMI VERSION PROBLEM [File Name] bug153.ibs [File Rev] 0.1 [Date] April 24, 2014 | [Component] BUG153 [Manufacturer] Test File | [Package] R_pkg 0.0 NA NA L_pkg 0.0 NA NA C_pkg 0.0 NA NA | [Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin 1p RxP Rxa NA NA NA 2p RxP Rxb NA NA NA | |**************************************************************** |**************************************************************** [Model] Rxa | With Implicit AMI_Version "5.0" .ami file Model_type Input | C_comp 0.00p 0.00p 0.00p Vinh = 0.55 Vinl = 0.45 [Voltage Range] 1.2 1.14 1.26 | [Algorithmic Model] Executable Windows_VisualStudio_32 BUG153.dll BUG153a.ami [End Algorithmic Model] | |**************************************************************** [Model] Rxb | With AMI_Version "5.1" .ami file Model_type Input | C_comp 0.00p 0.00p 0.00p Vinh = 0.55 Vinl = 0.45 [Voltage Range] 1.2 1.14 1.26 | [Algorithmic Model] Executable Windows_VisualStudio_32 BUG153.dll BUG153b.ami [End Algorithmic Model] | |**************************************************************** [End] ----------- bug153a.ami ----------- (BUG153a | Implicit AMI_Version "5.0" (Reserved_Parameters (Init_Returns_Impulse (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Value True) ) (GetWave_Exists (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Value True) ) (Use_Init_Output | Legal for Implicit V"5.0" only (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Value False) ) ) ) ----------- bug153b.ami ----------- (BUG153b | AMI_Version "5.1" (Contains V"6.0" Parameter) (Reserved_Parameters (AMI_Version (Usage Info) (Type String) (Value "5.1") ) (Init_Returns_Impulse (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Value True) ) (GetWave_Exists (Usage Info) (Type Boolean) (Value True) ) (Tx_Rj | V"6.0" Parameter (Usage Info) (Type Float) (Value 1.0) ) ) ) ---------- bug153.dll ---------- DUMMY CONTENT END ****************************************************************************** ******************** BELOW FOR ADMINISTRATION AND TRACKING ******************* ****************************************************************************** BUG NUMBER: 153 SEVERITY: [FATAL, SEVERE, MODERATE, ANNOYING, ENHANCEMENT] ENHANCEMENT PRIORITY: [HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW] LOW STATUS: [OPEN, CLOSED, WILL NOT FIX, NOT A BUG] CLOSED FIXED VERSION: 6.0.0 FIXED DATE: June 20, 2014 NOTES ON BUG FIX: Classified at the April 25, 2014 IBIS Teleconference meeting. To be fixed in a future release. It was noted that the issue showed up using a beta version of ibischk6 where IBIS 6.0 was displayed for AMI_Version "5.1" files. Approved at the June 20, 2014 IBIS Teleconference Meeting. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************