====================================================================== IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/Editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-editorial/ ====================================================================== Attendees from June 14 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki, Ming Yan Mentor, a Siemens Company Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield, Randy Wolff Signal Integrity Software Walter Katz, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Mike LaBonte convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Bob Ross moved to approve the June 7 meeting minutes; Arpad Muranyi seconded. No objections were raised. Minutes were approved. The following ARs were reviewed: - Mike LaBonte to post a comparison document between BIRD 186.3 drafts 8 and 9e (AR). - Done. - Michael Mirmak to scrub the BIRD 189 draft for consistency with BIRD186 (AR). - Done. Bob assisted. - Bob Ross and Mike LaBonte to issue BIRD 186.3 "draft 9f" or draft 9 (AR). - Done. 10b No further opens were raised. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRD 189.4 draft 3: Mike LaBonte showed BIRD 189.4 draft 3 sent by Bob Ross. Bob Ross described the changes made by Michael Mirmak and himself. Mention of "file name" on page 14 is correct because it is not about a file reference. On page 15 we now use "stem" correctly and point to the syntax rules "for" [File Name], not "in" [File Name]. On page 19 we refer to section 3.2 where syntax rules now reside. Bob Ross to arrange to submit BIRD 189.4 as reviewed to Open Forum (AR). BIRD 186.3 draft 10b: Mike showed BIRD 186.3 draft 10b. Bob Ross described the changes. A question comment has been removed from page 5. Terms like "file types" became "file formats". Bob said there was some confusion about ASCII. Arpad said ASCII was originally 7 bits but ASCII Extended is 8 bits. Mike said we specify the 7 bit ASCII standard. On page 4 a "should" became a "shall", to limit file names to 60 characters. A good number of instances of "must" in the document have been changed to "shall". Bob said IEEE standards documents are required to use "shall", not "must". Mike felt that "shall" always something compulsory, whereas "must" can have a speculative meaning as in "Bob must have arrived". A period was missing from "See Section 10.3 for details" on page 27. Bob noted that the section reference there should have the section name. Mike noted that "period" had been changed back to "dot" in two places on page 29. Bob said that was a revision note that originally had "dot" but had been changed to "period" by accident. Mike asked if more work was needed to review uses of "may" within the BIRD. Bob said those were often EDA tool suggestions. That can be done when the "must to shall" review is undertaken for final incorporation of BIRDs into IBIS 7.0. Mike suggested that instances of "may" beginning the second to last "may" on page 8 should be a "shall". Bob agreed, noting the same change would be in two or four places. We discussed this further and decided that sentences describing restrictions on optional content may use "may". Mike LaBonte to update BIRD 186.3 to draft 10c with period added, and post (AR). Mike moved to adjourn. Arpad seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned without objection.