====================================================================== IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/Editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-editorial/ ====================================================================== Attendees from June 21 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki, Ming Yan Mentor, a Siemens Company Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield, Randy Wolff* Signal Integrity Software Walter Katz, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Randy Wolff moved to approve the June 14 meeting minutes; Bob Ross seconded. No objections were raised. Minutes were approved. During AR review, some confusion about versions was noted. Mike LaBonte had completed his AR to update BIRD 186.3 to draft 10c with period added, and post. He noted that the file had been uploaded but had not distributed. He added that on P. 29, the sentence now has a period after the word "details". Bob noted that he has not submitted BIRD 189.4 to the Open Forum (AR). He added that he was waiting for this meeting to review the text. Arpad Muranyi raised the question of which BIRDs are still open and are intended for IBIS 7.0, and which BIRDs are "gating" which others. Michael agreed to reserve meeting time to discuss this. Some discussion ensued about IBIS-ATM Task Group coverage and what BIRDs discussed there have an impact. Arpad noted that the re-driver BIRDs are not a gating factor to Editorial activites. Bob observed that BIRD158.5 is still open and is owned by Radek Biernacki. The BIRD text needs updating to make its Touchstone file references consistent with BIRD186. Michael took the AR to contact Radek to close BIRD158 with changes from 186.x and 189.x. Mike reviewed the BIRD approval flow for IBIS 7.0. He added that it's unlikely the remaining BIRDs will be closed by the original July 14 cutoff for technical changes. He added that Radek needs to review the BIRD189 document, but hasn't had time. Mike reviewed the latest draft BIRD189. No changes were requested by the team, but Bob noted a language change related to .ims extensions. Mike stated that there are interacting changes between BIRDs and is uncomfortable with cross-changes. Michael asked which BIRD is teh first sequentially to need closure. Mike noted that BIRD186 seems to be the first, as BIRD186 mentions BIRD189 .ims files (this is a very small change). Bob raised a point regarding consistency between BIRDs 186 and 189 on "File Name" keywords. Bob moved to submit BIRD189 to the Open Forum. Mike noted that this is BIRD189.4; Arpad seconded the motion. No objections were raised and the motion carried. Bob will submit BIRD189.4 to the Open Forum (AR). Mike will post BIRD189.4, possibly on both Interconnect and Editorial reflectors (AR). Mike showed a comparison document between drafts of BIRD186. He added that line length limits will be reviewed by the Editorial team as part of IBIS 7.0 preparations, rather than during BIRD186 finalization. Resolving "may", "must" and "shall" usage will be deferred to overall 7.0 editorial. There remains some confusion about dash versus extended dash usage. This will also be deferred until the IBIS 7.0 editorial pass. Bob noted that "may" should never have been used in the document in many cases. After some procedural discussion, Arpad asked whether the team was ready to submit BIRD186 to the Open Forum. Bob moved to submit BIRD186.4 draft 10c to the Open Forum as BIRD186.4. Arpad seconded, noting that he actual document is BIRD186.3 draft 10c Bob amended his motion to refer to BIRD186.3. Arpad cseconded. Motion, without objection, carried. Bob will submit BIRD186.3 to the Open Forum. BIRD158 will be discussed in the IBIS-ATM group. Mike moved to adjourn. Arpad seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned without objection.