================================================================================ IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-interconn/ ================================================================================ Attendees from August 22, 2018 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield*, Randy Wolff SiSoft Walter Katz*, Mike LaBonte Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Review of minutes from the August 3 and August 17 meetings: Bob Ross moved to approve. Arpad Muranyi seconded. Minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Michael Mirmak to edit the latest IBIS 7.0 draft and send to group. - Michael reported that he sent out an updated draft and checklist with an August 20th date. - Mike LaBonte to post the latest draft. - Michael reported this was done. Editorial review of ver7_0_180820.docx and the task checklist: Michael stated that we covered up to item number 9 on the IBIS 6.1 known issues list in the last meeting. He reviewed that the completed items are marked in green on task checklist. Michael noted that checklist item number 9, which suggests to delete the text "component attached to" is done, but there was some additional discussion on this last time. Bob stated there was an email exchange on this, but he was not sure if we can resolve this quickly. It might require changes to the language for nodes, terminals, etc. Michael noted this in the checklist. Bob stated we can defer this discussion. Michael noted checklist item number 10, regarding a curly bracket instead of a square bracket on page 54, is fixed in the latest draft. Arpad commented the date verified in the checklist should be marked as today. Michael clarified the date verified should be the date of the draft in which the change was verified. Arpad thought it should be the date we actually verified the change. Michael stated that the convention we have been using is for the verified column to note the draft date the change was verified in, not necessarily the meeting date. Arpad agreed we can continue this convention. Michael stated for the checklist item 11, the example on page 180 of IBIS 6.1 is illegal, as it was created with IBIS 5.0 rules. Arpad asked what the meaning of the red text is. Michael replied the red is text to be changed and added, including adding the AMI_Version, Init_Resturns_Impulse, and GetWave_Exists Reserved Parameters, which are required in IBIS 6.1. Michael verified that the change to the example is correct. He also changed the AMI_Version to 7.0 from 6.1. Bob agreed with this change. Michael stated the checklist item 12 is a typographical error reported by Curtis. The request is to change the word "of" to the word "the". Arpad agreed with this change. We marked this verified. Bob requested to add the comma after the word "Non-Driving" in this sentence. Arpad suggested to keep it as is. Michael noted we are not consistent with the usage of the Oxford comma throughout IBIS. Bob withdrew his request. Michael commented that the checklist item 13 is a global change to the equation text. Radek would like the word "Where" in front of formulas to not be capitalized. Michael noted he found 9 instances of this, which were all contained in the AMI section. All instances he could find were fixed. Bob noted, occasionally, there is a comma before the formula which is not consistent. He also commented the word "where" was likely capitalized automatically by Word. Michael showed each instance of the change and noted were two instances on page 244. He also noted there is a BIRD that overlaps with page 246, but the change has been done. Bob stated that this looks good. Michael noted checklist item 14 is a copy paste error where "Tx" should be "Rx", and an instance of "RX" should be "Rx" on pages 244 and 245. We marked this verified. Michael noted for checklist item 15 on page 264, the [Repeater Pin] keyword should have the required text after the keyword. Arpad asked if the case sensitivity was correct. Michael checked that it was and marked this verified. Michael stated checklist item 16 describes a couple of issues. We are talking about the concept rather than the syntax in the text. Mike was suggesting to remove the underscore from Reserved_Parameters, as we are referring to the concept. He also wanted to change this to plural possessive. Arpad asked if we should make this lower case. Michael replied that we have capitalized this throughout the document. Arpad commented if we are only referring to the concept it should not be capitalized. Michael stated this would be a very large global change. He suggest to add a task list item to look into this. Bob asked about the plural possessive. Michael stated it is correct, but we may not be consistent with this. Arpad stated he prefers to reword using the word "of" for clarity rather than using plural possessive. Bob noted Model_Specific parameters may not follow these rules. Michael added an item to the checklist regarding looking into the treatment of plurals and possessives. He added an additional checklist item regarding the capitalization of unique concepts. Michael noted checklist item 17 was regarding the capitalization of MyVhigh and MyVlow names not being consistent. We marked this verified. Michael noted for checklist item 18 on page 158 in 7.0, he added a new line for the Subparameter per Arpad's suggestion. We marked this verified. Michael commented checklist item 19 is regarding the wording on page 140. Arpad asked if this text is an instruction. Michael thought that this was a mistake in the editing, and the text should say for [External Model]s. He changed the word "models" to "[External Model]s". Michael asked if this text applies to only [External Model] or [Model] as well. Arpad replied the discussion here is about where to put the A to D converter, which only apply to [External Model]s. Michael encouraged everyone to take a look at the checklist and draft. He noted we only have a few more known issues left to verify then we will start working on the BIRDs. Michael to send the updated draft and checklist. [AR] Arpad moved to adjourn. Justin seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. The next meeting will take place Friday, Aug 24.