================================================================================ IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-interconn/ ================================================================================ Attendees from September 7, 2018 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki* Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield*, Randy Wolff SiSoft Walter Katz, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of minutes from the September 5 meeting: Arpad Muranyi moved to approve. Mike LaBonte seconded. Minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Michael to send out the latest draft latest IBIS 7.0 draft and checklist to the group. - Michael reported this was done, but there was a typo in the link he sent. He sent out another email correcting the link. Opens: - None. Editorial review of ver7_0_180907.docx and the task checklist: Michael reviewed checklist item 33 on BIRD186.4, which is the File Naming Rule changes. He commented there are many changes in this BIRD and there could be a one or two page shift from the page numbers noted in the checklist. Michael stated we changed the name of the General Syntax Rules and Guidelines section. Bob Ross noted the BIRD restructured this section. The idea was that the rules depend on the definitions which should come first. Bob asked about the order of the sections and stated some text should be moved under section 3.2. Michael stated the BIRD itself does not make it clear that there is a new section. Bob stated, on page 9, the definitions should be added first as a new section 3.1. Radek Biernacki agreed. Michael asked if we can move the numbered rules list to another section labeled 3.2. Bob agreed and noted the hierarchy diagram should now be in section 3.3, but we need to update the diagram later. Radek asked about the titles and if we should have the same title for section 3 and 3.2. Michael asked if we want to change the title of section 3 back to General Syntax Rules and Guidelines. Bob and Radek agreed. Michael asked if we want the new first paragraph of section 3 in italics. Arpad replied, in general, we do not put introductions in italics. Bob agreed and noted many sections do not have introductions. Michael changed the first paragraph to non-italic font. Michael asked about the word "subsections". Mike suggested to change this to "sections". Radek also suggested, in the first sentence, to change to a singular "section". He also suggested to change the wording of the second sentence. Michael asked what the second sentence sentence is trying to say. He noted we are talking about the file formats, and changed the sentence accordingly. Bob stated that we are mixing concepts here. Mike suggested to make the paragraph one sentence. Michael agreed and made this change. Arpad noted a comma error. Michael stated, for the file naming definitions in section 3.1, all the file formats are defined, and everything in this section is new. Radek asked if we need an empty line between the definitions and the sentence about Figure 1. Michael agreed. Arpad asked about the figure label format and font. Michael replied it is copied directly from the BIRD, but agreed it is not consistent. We will need to format all the figures later. Michael noted in section 3.2 the word "with" is changed to "shall". Arpad noted the characters in rule #3 should be in Courier font and lined up. Michael changed this and added the period to the last line. Michael asked about rule #4 missing the word "a" before the last mention of linefeed character. Arpad agreed with this change. Mike asked about the spacing between rules #3 and #4. Michael fixed the paragraph spacing, but stated there could be other similar issues. Michael noted in rule #10, we need to change ".ibs files" to "IBIS file formats". In rule #14, he deleted the sentence according to the BIRD. And, the phrase "IBIS file types" is changed to "IBIS file formats". Radek commented the intent was to not list the file formats each time. Michael stated, in the [File Name] Usage Rules, we reference the section 3.2 Syntax Rules. He also noted the extensions no longer have the period. Bob commented this is the reason the period is added to the list of allowed characters. Michael stated, on page 110, he changed "a file" to "the file". He asked about the reference to section 3 on this page. Bob agreed that we need to check and correct all of these references. On page 111, Michael asked about the sentence that is struck out and if it is moved or deleted. Bob replied it is deleted. Michael verified the other changes on this page. We will need to check the section numbering. Mike noted the name of section 3 on page 112 needs to be fixed. Bob asked about the period on "e.g". Michael fixed this. Arpad asked about the period after "xyz.". Michael verified that this is intended this way to show the period as valid in the extension. Radek asked if we exclude the possibility of a file without a stem such as ".ami" for a file name. Michael thought we do not explicitly disallow this. Arpad stated that the operating system may not allow this. Michael stated that this is an open technical question. Michael will send out the latest draft and checklist [AR]. Michael asked if we want to have a meeting on Wednesday. Mike stated he could host, but he prefers Michael to do the edits. Bob suggested to not hold a meeting, as we could only look at limited scope issues. Mike moved to adjourn. Arpad seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. The next meeting will take place Friday, September 14. Open Technical Questions: 1. BIRD182: POWER and GND [Pin] signal_name as [Pin Mapping] bus_label a. Is a bus_label created even if we don't have [Pin Mapping], [Bus Label], or [Die Supply Pads] through the [Pin]? b. Is a bus_label short created for legacy package models based on the second column of [Pin] when we do not have a [Pin Mapping] entry? 2. Is an empty stem file name permitted? (BIRD186.4)