================================================================================ IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-editorial/ ================================================================================ Attendees from October 9, 2018 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki* Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield*, Randy Wolff SiSoft Walter Katz, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Mike LaBonte convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of minutes from the October 5 meeting: Arpad Muranyi moved to approve with this change. Bob Ross seconded. Minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Mike to post out the latest IBIS 7.0 draft and checklist. - Mike reported that this is done. Opens: - None. Editorial review of ver7_0_181009.docx and the task checklist: Mike noted that we are finished with the approved BIRDs checklist items and are now moving to the Known Issues for the Version 7.0 draft list. The first item was from Randy Wolff and relates to BIRD189.6. The sentence "Each IBIS-ISS terminal shall have terminal line entry." is missing the word "a". Mike showed this has been fixed already presumably by Michael Mirmak. We marked checklist item 41 as verified. Mike stated the next checklist item 42 is from Radek Biernacki. Radek noted that this is an issue with the way Touchstone is refereed to. He suggested to change "Touchstone files" to "Touchstone components" and add a definition for this term. He suggested to add this definition in the General Rules section. Mike asked if this is an editorial change or if we would need a BIRD to address this change. Radek thought that it is an editorial change. Bob commented we do not define many terms such as Spice, Verilog, VHDL, etc. Radek stated this is a bit different, since "Touchstone component" is not a common industry term. Bob thought that we would need a BIRD for this. Arpad commented we do have some definitions for these terms in the General Rules section. Bob stated we should be consistent in this manner. Radek suggested he can propose some text and send it out for review. Bob suggested "Touchstone electrical model" as a possible name. Mike noted he does not like "Touchstone component", but he agreed it is an issue and we should decide the name. Radek suggested the name "N-port models". Mike suggested to move on, as we will need some time to decide a specific solution. Radek took an AR to propose text for the definition of a new term to replace "Touchstone files" [AR]. Mike suggested to send this to both ATM and Editorial email lists for feedback. Checklist item 43 is an issue in one of the BIRD189.7 examples from Justin. Justin commented this is a missing beginning bracket in the comments. Mike showed this is fixed in the draft. We marked checklist item 43 as verified. Checklist item 44 is a comment from Bob noting that Unused_port_termination is missing from the list of Sub-Params for [Interconnect Model]. Bob noted we deleted this, then added Unused_port_termination back later. We marked checklist item 44 as verified. Checklist item 45 is a suggestion from Bob to add a paragraph to the BIRD189 text. Bob noted this is a clarification change, as we never define what is legal under the Format column. And, we never state that we can have more than one Param line. This is shown in the examples, but we never state it. Mike asked why the proposed text says "where legal". Bob replied we don't permit Params for File_TS, but we could repeat this instead. Radek thought that it is better to say it is legal only for IBIS-ISS. Mike thought that it is okay to say "where legal" and this is a good a clarification. Radek asked why we have the Value statement in the third column at all. Mike noted that this column is for future possibilities, such as List or Corner. Bob agreed and noted that we may have more columns if we allow Corner. Radek noted that you can only pass one value into a Spice subcircuit. Bob agreed that it is difficult for IBIS-ISS to pass anything other than an single value. He stated we could remove the column. Radek thought that this would be more than an editorial change. Mike agreed. Bob suggested to add the proposed text and bring the issue up at the IBIS Open Forum. Mike suggested to have a BIRD on this, and he stated that the multiple Param lines is a valid clarification. Bob thought the proposed text is okay. Radek suggested to delete the phrase "where legal". Mike suggested to add only the Param sentence and add a note about the Format column. Bob stated that we need to discuss the Format column. Mike asked where to add the first sentence and noted that it is already in IBIS 7.0 draft. Bob noted we are validating the document against the checklist. Bob suggested to add a comment about the second sentence. Mike stated he prefers to add a checklist item about the Format column. Radek suggested to delete the words "where legal" and connect the paragraphs. Mike added a note to the checklist to review the Format column. We marked checklist item 45 as verified. Mike noted checklist item 46 is for BIRD194 on the table not matching the text. Radek noted that we verified this in the last meeting. Mike double checked the table and marked this checklist item as verified. Mike asked about checklist items 47 and 48. He suggested to move these to the finalization steps, because if we have new changes, we will want to check these items on new changes as well. Mike copied these items to new finalization items. Checklist item 50 is regarding the phrase "pin terminal" which appears 4 times in the IBIS 7.0 draft. Radek suggested that the word "pin" can be deleted. Mike deleted the word "pin" for the first two occurrences. The second two occurrences refer to "I/O pin terminal" and the word "pin" was also deleted. Bob agreed with this change. We marked this as implemented and verified. Mike noted checklist item 51 is on the phrase "a single terminal that connects terminals that connects rails". Mike asked how we can clean up this text. Bob commented that we need to be careful as bus_label names can be shared, but a group of terminals can be shorted. Radek suggested to change to "a single terminal connecting rails". Mike asked if these connect to a single terminal. Arpad asked what is a "rail". Bob replied a rail is power or ground designated by "GND" or "POWER" in the [Pin] list. Arpad suggested to reword the first part of the sentence. Mike asked if we should add a new checklist item about this. Arpad agreed. Bob stated we need to be careful not to change the technical meaning. Mike will send out the latest draft and checklist [AR]. Arpad moved to adjourn. Bob seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. The next meeting will take place Wednesday, October 10. Open Technical Questions: 1. BIRD182: POWER and GND [Pin] signal_name as [Pin Mapping] bus_label a. Is a bus_label created even if we don't have [Pin Mapping], [Bus Label], or [Die Supply Pads] through the [Pin]? b. Is a bus_label short created for legacy package models based on the second column of [Pin] when we do not have a [Pin Mapping] entry?