================================================================================ IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-editorial/ ================================================================================ Attendees from October 10, 2018 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield*, Randy Wolff SiSoft Walter Katz, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Mike LaBonte convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of minutes: Bob Ross suggested to postpone minutes review from the October 9 meeting until the next meeting to give more time for review. Mike agreed. Review of ARs: - Radek Biernacki to propose text for the definition of a new term to replace "Touchstone files". - Mike reported Radek sent an email about this. Arpad Muranyi and Justin noted they did not get the email. Mike will look into why the email was not getting through [AR]. - Mike to post the latest IBIS 7.0 draft and checklist. - Mike reported that this is done. Opens: - Justin asked if the last checklist item number 71 that was added last meeting should be moved from the General Finalization section. Arpad noted this is a wording issue in a specific sentence. Mike agreed this is a specific issue and moved this item to the Known Issues list as item 51. Arpad suggested to delete this item from the Finalization items list. Editorial review of ver7_0_181010.docx and the task checklist: Mike noted the issue for checklist item 51 is regarding the phrase "These keywords also support using each rail terminal individually" on page 35. Arpad noted the issue he raised is with the word "using". After some discussion, Mike changed the "using" to "usage of". Arpad also suggested to change "creating" to "creation of". Arpad noted in the last part of the sentence we should change "designate" to "designation". Mike suggested to add a comma before the first "or". We marked checklist item 51 as verified. Mike stated checklist item 52 is on the phrase "a single terminal that connects terminals that connects rails". Justin commented we changed this in the last meeting. Arpad noted this is the same sentence we just edited for the previous change (checklist item 51). Arpad asked if we need an additional comma in this sentence after terminal. Mike thought we do not as we already have commas separating the clauses. Arpad agreed. We marked item 52 as verified. Mike noted checklist item 53 is on the empty stem issue. He asked if the new BIRD196 addresses this. Arpad stated it does not, as the BIRD only deals with the filename ending with a dot. Bob stated this could still be an issue. Arpad asked if we already added a rule in Section 3.2 for this. Mike verified that we do have this rule in Section 3.2 under item 3. Bob commented that you cannot do this in windows. Mike added a note about this in the checklist and marked checklist item 53 as verified. Mike noted checklist item 54 is regarding the phrase "stem and an ending period". Arpad thought we did make changes to address this in the new BIRD196. He asked if the instance of this phrase on page 111 (simple markup) is addressed in BIRD196. Bob thought that Michael did change this. Arpad noted that Michael did not make changes from BIRD196. We need to make sure the new BIRD196 addresses these changes as the wording on page 111 is different. The wording "stem and an ending period" is not mentioned and these changes are not addressed in BIRD196. Bob suggested to defer this issue. Arpad asked if we need to modify BIRD196. Bob replied that BIRD196 is based on IBIS 6.1. Arpad asked where this text came from. Bob noted that the new text comes in from BIRD186.4 and is applied in four locations. Mike searched for the phrase "stem and an ending period" in IBIS 6.1 and noted it does not appear. Mike showed BIRD186.4 and stated the phrase appears four times. Arpad asked how we can change these statements, as BIRD196 prohibits the ending periods. Bob noted we cannot make any changes as BIRD196 is not on the approved list. Mike summarized that BIRD186.4 adds new text that needs to be addressed with BIRD196. Arpad asked how can we deal with this conflict between BIRD196 and BIRD186.4 if BIRD196 gets approved on Friday. Bob thought BIRD196 might not be clear, as we are superseding the rules from BIRD186.4 with BIRD196. Arpad stated that BIRD186.4 has been approved, while BIRD196 has not yet been approved. Bob noted we are superseding a BIRD with another. Mike noted we have superseded BIRDs before. Bob suggested to add a note to BIRD196. Arpad asked if we need to change BIRD196 to address the new text from BIRD186.4. Bob thought we do not, but we need to wait for BIRD196 to make changes to the 7.0 draft. In compliance with BIRD196, we can delete the statement "or stem and an ending period". He noted this is a parser change that needs to be documented. Mike noted he cannot find all 8 instances of this phrase and the statements to be changed by BIRD196 in the 7.0 draft. Arpad thought that the original text we are trying to change with BIRD196 has been changed already by BIRD186.4. Bob commented the point of BIRD196 is to prohibit periods at the end of the filenames. Mike gave an AR to Arpad to research the conflict between BIRD196 and BIRD186.4 and send an email with an explanation [AR]. Bob stated that BIRD196 does address this. Arpad stated we still need to work out the logistics. Mike thought that BIRD196 should say it is superseding BIRD186.4. Bob stated a comment about superseding BIRD186.4 would be sufficient. We left checklist item 54 open. Arpad asked if we want to use the Tuesday ATM time slot for Editorial. Mike stated he would be okay with this. Bob stated Radek can discuss changing the phrase "Touchstone files". Mike will send out the latest draft and checklist [AR]. Arpad moved to adjourn. Bob seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, October 15, at Noon Pacific. Open Technical Questions: 1. BIRD182: POWER and GND [Pin] signal_name as [Pin Mapping] bus_label a. Is a bus_label created even if we don't have [Pin Mapping], [Bus Label], or [Die Supply Pads] through the [Pin]? b. Is a bus_label short created for legacy package models based on the second column of [Pin] when we do not have a [Pin Mapping] entry?