================================================================================ IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-editorial/ ================================================================================ Attendees from November 7, 2018 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield*, Randy Wolff SiSoft Walter Katz*, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of minutes from the November 6 meeting: Michael commented that the minutes noted a spelling error in the previous minutes that Bob Ross could not recall and the statement to approve the minutes should say without this correction. Bob agreed and moved to approve the minutes with this correction. Arpad Muranyi seconded. Minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Michael to update the other Reserved Parameter tables with the recent changes. - Michael reported this is still in progress, so he would like to keep this open. Opens: - None Editorial review of ver7_0_181107.docx and the task checklist: Michael noted we have resolved the issues with Table 40, and we do not need a BIRD on this topic at this time. Mike LaBonte asked if there is a checklist item for this that can be marked complete. Michael responded that this was part of checklist item 61 which we expanded to include the Default and Required columns in the tables. Mike asked about the meaning of double dash ("--") and how this was determined. Michael replied that we had some discussion on this and added a footnote that double dash means a value must be included if the parameter is used. He noted the Special_Param_Names, Supporting_Files, and Ts4file now have their defaults as "Undefined". Mike asked about the wording of footnote 6 and the meaning of the words "parameter" and "entry". Michael replied "parameter" is the Reserved Parameter, and "entry" is the argument. For instance, Corner could be an entry for Ts4file. Michael asked if we can mark checklist item 61 as complete. Bob suggested we should wait until the other tables are fixed. Michael marked checklist item 61 as verified and added fixing the other tables to the finalization steps. Bob agreed with this. Michael noted, for checklist item 62, we need to review the new Section 1 text and changes. The text has been simplified to not point to previous version section numbers. We had agreed in a previous meeting to remove these historic section references. Arpad had suggested to talk about the content rather than the section numbers. Bob asked about the Section 11 sentence and noted Interconnect modeling should be capitalized. Michael changed the text to say the content of Section 11. Bob thought this Section 1 text could be better stated in a bullet list, and the text doesn't really give any new information. Michael asked if we want to remove the section. Bob thought it is a good overview of the historical key features and in which version they were added, but it is lacking some details. Michael commented that which BIRDs are added to each version is covered in later text. Bob agreed but noted the BIRD list gets complicated and is difficult to read. Michael asked if we can mark this checklist item complete. Bob and Mike agreed. We marked checklist item 62 as verified. Bob proposed moving the [End] keyword to the Header section and rename this section. Michael noted this is one of the finalization checklist items. Bob proposed to discuss this before the other finalization steps. Michael asked if the [End] keyword description is complete. Bob agreed it is. Michael moved the [End] keyword to the end of Section 4. Bob suggested to change the title of Section 4 to File Header and End Information. Arpad suggested to change the title to File Header and File End Information. Bob stated this will work. We marked checklist item 76 as verified. Bob stated there is another problem with the [IBIS Ver] keyword. Michael noted there is a checklist item for this as well. He stated there is some text about the IBIS template, and he asked if we should replace this with the specific file types: .ibs, .pkg, .ims or .ebd. Michael asked about the statement that [IBIS Ver] is the first keyword in .ibs files and if we want to add the other file extensions to this statement. Arpad asked if this was true. Mike asked if the [Comment Char] can appear before [IBIS Ver]. Michael noted this could be an issue as the text states [Comment Char] can appear anywhere. Walter Katz suggested to check the behavior of this in the parser. Mike took an AR to check the parser behavior of having [Comment Char] before [IBIS Ver]. Michael added a check list item about this. Michael asked if the [File Name] and [File Rev] descriptions are correct. [File Name] mentions the extensions, while [File Rev] does not. He asked if [File Rev] should have the extensions added. Arpad commented we should make them consistent. Michael added the specific files types to [File Rev]. Arpad asked if the [Comment Char] keyword can apply to the other file types. Michael checked and confirmed the keyword does apply to .pkg, .ebd, and .ims. Arpad asked if we should add the same sentence about the specific file types to the [Comment Char] keyword description. Michael agreed. Mike noted, regarding his AR from earlier, that he checked the parser behavior for the [Comment Char] keyword. When it is the first line before [IBIS Ver], the parser gives an error saying unexpected IBIS version. Michael suggested to change the [Comment Char] text to say it can appear anywhere after the [IBIS Ver]. Michael noted the [Comment Char] is also described in the file naming rules, and he changed the text in this section as well. Michael noted, in Section 4, we have the [Date], [Source], [Disclaimer], and [Copyright]. He proposed to add the “pkg”, “ebd”, and “ims” to these keywords' description. We marked item 78 as verified. Mike commented that the [Comment Char] can be used any number of times. Bob stated this has historically been the case. Michael asked if we want to say this in the text. Bob and Mike agreed. Michael noted that many of the Finalization steps are scrubbing the document for smaller issues. He suggested to do these edits offline. He asked which changes are the most important and suggested to change the tables and figures first. There are many items which are already done, but need verified. Bob stated we need add BIRD196 to the list of BIRDs. And, at this time, we can update everything to 7.0. Michael noted this can be one of the last steps, but it is partially done. Mike agreed this can be last. Michael suggested to target the December 21 IBIS Open Forum meeting to have the document done. And, we will need time to vote in this meeting. Bob commented there are lots of small things which need to be looked at. Walter thought we should consider holding a vote on IBIS 7.0 at the IBIS Summit in February. Mike noted we have typically not done this, but this could be a possibility. Michael will send out the latest draft and checklist [AR]. Mike moved to adjourn. Arpad seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. The next meeting will take place Friday, November 9, at 8 PM Pacific. Open Technical Questions: 1. BIRD182: POWER and GND [Pin] signal_name as [Pin Mapping] bus_label a. Is a bus_label created even if we don't have [Pin Mapping], [Bus Label], or [Die Supply Pads] through the [Pin]? b. Is a bus_label short created for legacy package models based on the second column of [Pin] when we do not have a [Pin Mapping] entry?