================================================================================ IBIS EDITORIAL TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/editorial_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-editorial@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-editorial/ ================================================================================ Attendees from November 9, 2018 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield, Randy Wolff SiSoft Walter Katz, Mike LaBonte* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Mike LaBonte took minutes. Review of minutes from the November 7 meeting: Arpad Muranyi moved to approve the minutes. Mike LaBonte seconded. Minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Michael Mirmak to send out the latest draft and checklist. - Michael Mirmak to update the other Reserved Parameter tables with the recent changes. - Done, to be reviewed today. - Mike LaBonte to investigate ibischk handling of [Comment char]. - Mike noted that this was completed during the last meeting. Opens: - Bob Ross said some finalization details could be done immediately. Editorial review of ver7_0_181107.docx and the task checklist: Michael M. showed the checklist. Bob said we could add the tree hierarchy, would would change page numbering. Michael M. said some tree editing was done in the July 27 document. Bob said the new tree is expanded now. He will send the new tree text. [AR] Bob Ross to send new tree hierarchy text to Michael Mirmak. Michael M. showed ver7_0_181107.docx. He noted that parameter table 40 is in alphabetical order, whereas the other section tables have them in order of introduction. The section tables now have notes matching table 40. Checklist item 61 was marked as completed. Michael M. said item 66 was done, and this was marked as such. Michael M. said item 67 was done, and this was marked as such. Michael M. said item 68 had been done some time ago. All of the table numbers are MS-Word captions, so they would automatically update. The same was true for section headers. A problem with incorrect section numbers was fixed. We verified that table numbers are still searchable. Item 68 was left open until Michael M. could check for completeness. Item 70 is about section 2. BIRD196.1 had been added to the BIRD list. Michael M. noted that there are now 17 new BIRDs listed. Michael M. said item 71 was partially done, but dates usual relate to adoption. That was likely to be 2019, so it needed to be left open. Michael M. said item 72 might be considered done, but new clarification BIRDs still could appear. Arpad suggested leaving it open, and we did. Item 73 was about capitalization and cross references. Michael M. said capitalization had been fixed in the source text for section headings. This shows up in the MS-Word navigation table and in the table of contents. Bob Ross said section 6.3 had different indentation for unnumbered headings in the reference flows and dependent parameter sections. Michael M. said it would show up unnumbered in navigation and not at all in the table of contents. Bob said multilingual section 3 had different indentation from 6 for unnumbered headings. Michael M. said section 6 only goes to the 4th level, and headings there are not indented. Arpad suggested the unnumbered heading might be better not bold. A few options were tried. Indents were removed, and only lack of boldness indicated 5th level headings. Arpad noted that 10.2 had backward indentation relative to a lower level heading after it. We decided that level two headings must not be indented, so that no headings would be indented. Michael M. said we would need to consult with an expert to accomplish that properly. Bob said the issue about section heading font size and style was still open. On item 73, Michael M. said there were few references to section 3, but more references to section 3.2. He fixed a section 3.2 reference problem. Arpad said there was an "item 0" reference on page 21. We determined that it should be item 3 and fixed the reference. That required some experimentation. Michael M. searched for and found another "item 0" reference and fixed that. He found that "item 3" appeared twice. These became plain text. We examined all references to within section 3. Some plain text reference were changed to linked references. A few other small issues were fixed. Michael Mirmak to send out the latest draft and checklist [AR]. We agreed to next meet on Wednesday, November 14. Arpad Muranyi moved to adjourn. Mike LaBonte seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. The next meeting will take place Wednesday, November 14, at 8 PM Pacific. Open Technical Questions: 1. BIRD182: POWER and GND [Pin] signal_name as [Pin Mapping] bus_label a. Is a bus_label created even if we don't have [Pin Mapping], [Bus Label], or [Die Supply Pads] through the [Pin]? b. Is a bus_label short created for legacy package models based on the second column of [Pin] when we do not have a [Pin Mapping] entry?