From: Bob Ross <bob@icx.com>
Date: Tue May 20 1997 - 17:55:00 PDT

To IBIS Users:

A new Version of ibischk2+ executables is now available on vhdl.org
under /pub/ibis/ibschk2+. They are designated Version2.1.4.

The new versions replace the Version2.1.3 executables that were
stored in the respective operating system directories.

The new versions make the Open_* device Waveform endpoint testing
more robust. They also issue warnings if [Pullup] or [Pulldown]
tables which are expected to contain values of 0 or not exist
actually contain other numerical values.

Thanks to Chris Rokusek of Quad Design/Viewlogic for making these

Bob Ross
Received on Tue May 20 17:56:41 1997

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