standard loads on 66 MHz PCI

From: Gregory R Edlund <>
Date: Fri Nov 06 1998 - 15:44:27 PST

A question came up here at IBM today that I could not answer. Has anyone run
into this?

The 66 MHz PCI bus spec has a different standard load for rising and falling
edges. (10 pF and 25 Ohms to gnd for rising OR 10 pF and 25 Ohms to Vcc for
falling.) As I read version 3.1 of IBIS, it only allows one value of Vref per
[Model] keyword. This seems to make the 66 MHz PCI driver unable to be
implemented in IBIS, at least if you want to do timing analysis. I would think
someone else probably encountered this already. How did you get around it? Or
am I missing something?

Much thanks in advance.

Greg Edlund
Advisory Engineer, AS/400 System Timing
3650 Hwy. 52 N, Dept. HDC
Rochester, MN 55901
Received on Fri Nov 6 15:43:37 1998

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