Problems running s2ibis2 on HP with ELDO

From: Dave Brand <>
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 08:48:57 PST

Hello all, I think I can pose this question here.

I am trying to run s2ibis2 on an HP C200 with 10.20 operating system
using the latest version (v1.1) of s2ibis2.

The code has been modified to allow it to run ELDO (Mentor Graphics
Accusim kernel) as a spicetype option.
I got the code from Mentor with the understanding that the code had NOT
been verified on an HP.

The program works till it gets to the a/b001 file series and gives a
segmentation fault as shown below.

s2ibis2: [Iterate] set and file b001.out exists. Skipping run.
Trying to open file b001.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Any ideas on what to try? I am down in the C code trying to debug it,
but not getting very far.
Maybe someone has this version of the code working using an HP and ELDO
that is willing to share it?

Thanks in advance, Dave Brand - email address is listed below

Dave Brand Honeywell Solid State Electronics Center
612-954-2122 FAX:954-ASIC MN14-3C15 12001 State Hwy 55 Plymouth, MN 55441-4799
Received on Fri Feb 5 08:54:37 1999

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