Technology Models vs. full IBIS models

From: eh <>
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 11:33:25 PDT

Dear friends,

We are evaluating a tool regarding signal integrity.
Our design is composed of modern devices ( DSP,DRAM,SRAM,FLASH,FCT etc).
Since we don't have the IBIS model for most of the parts, the supplier suggested that I use technology models. I have a DSP, so I assigned it as FCT, for it was the closest choise.
The PCB crosstalk simulation showed problems we NEVER faced with five practical PCBs.
I assume that I have to get/order/develop IBIS models for all the parts, and not
use "technology models".
Is that true ?
Has anyone went through these ?
Has anyone a benchmark, comparing the major tools , offered this field of signal integrity (crosstalk...).

Simi Eshkol
Sn Elec Eng.
VideoCom , Israel

Received on Tue Oct 26 11:39:11 1999

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