Mos Drain-Bulk Junction current

From: batman <>
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 07:46:23 PDT


I would like to ask you in which way it is possible to obtain the V/I IBIS
curve trough Hspice simulation.

My supply voltage is 3.3V and my output buffer is a standard C-MOS.
Considering the pull-down element, I force on the buffer output -6.6 V in order
to obtain the first point of my IV curve.
Thus I turn on the N-Mos Drain-Bulk juncition and the current value is like
1e20 A.
I have to use a resistor in order to limit this current .

I would like to know what is the resistor to use (Rref, R_pck , ..) and if I
have to add other elements like Cref Rref Vref, Rload, Cload .....

Thank you in advance for your answer , Your Sincerelly

Riccardo Giordani

Received on Wed Sep 29 07:48:32 1999

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