RE: IBIS connector model

From: Le, Dat (dle) <>
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 08:46:57 PDT

Are you trying to extract the topology from a board2board file? Specctraquest
has a feature called "Design link". In this window, you can specify the pin
to pin interconnection, the length and a pointer to your "dml" conn model.
This's another area Specctraquest would spit out error message if your conn
model has a pin count or pin reference mismatch with Allegro boardfile. Note
your conn.ibs file will need to translated to Specctraquest DML format. I use
ibis2signoise to do this. Yes, Specctraquest v13.5 or newer should be able
to translate Ibis v 3.1 pkg format.

As far as obtaining model, I had similar problem obtaining Ibis conn model.
Depend on your simulation accuracy requirement, it's pretty easy to create a
simple lumped single line PCI model in Specctraquest. You can obtain SLM and
MLM data from
AMP or other conn vendors. More accurate pkg/conn model will need to be
translated directly from vendor Spice format to Cadence K-spice format.
Unfortunately, 6 months ago I inquired Cadence regarding of an automate
script to do the spice translation without any success. Specctraquest does
have sample of generic pkg models shipped with this tool.

Dat Le
System Engineer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ross Pryor []
> Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 6:42 AM
> To:;
> Subject: RE: IBIS connector model
> I believe this error is due to the "pinuse" property of your connector pins
> in the Allegro symbol for the connector. You need to
> set the property to "unspec" on all connector pins.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 7:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: IBIS connector model
> I am trying to extract a topology using SpectraQuest, but cannot because
> of the following error. "Errors: Connector With Active pin". The model is
> attached to this message. Can anyone clarify the proper use of connector
> models in circuit simulation or provide me with a connector model?
> Regards,
> Bashu Kanal
> EMC Corporation
> Design Verification Group
> <<conn149.ibs>>
Received on Mon May 22 08:49:33 2000

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