[Q] off leak current?

From: <akimoto@lsi.nec.co.jp>
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 17:38:27 PDT

I have a question about the IBIS modeling.

Where should we put the off leak current into?
        1) Both CLAMP curves and PULLUP/DOWN curves?
        2) Only CLAMP curves?
        3) Only PULLUP/DOWN curves?
        4) Nothing? (Same as resistor?)

I'm afraid how the board simulators get this information
from IBIS model.
Please, don't ask me more about the off leak current. ^_^

Best regards,

Akimoto Tetsuya
Design systems dep. System LSI Design Engineering Div.
NEC Electron Devices, NEC Corporation
Email:akimoto@lsi.nec.co.jp Phone:044-435-1513
Received on Wed May 24 17:40:14 2000

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