IBIS suitability for over GHz waveform simulation

From: Keitarou Yamagishi <yamagi@isl.melco.co.jp>
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 19:51:41 PDT


I've gotten an IBIS model for 1.2Gbps serial data tranceiver IC, which
means that the 1st order frequency element is GHz class. But is IBIS
itself suitable for over GHz transmission waveform simulation? I think
that, for example, package loss element or frequency responsibility of
transister is not enough reflected.

How dou you think?


_/    _/
_/ /¥ Keitarou Yamagishi (Senior Engineer) _/
_/ / ¥ Mitsubishi Electric Corporation _/
_/ ¥ / Information Technology R&D Center _/
_/ ¥/ 5-1-1 Ofuna, Kamakura, _/
_/ /‾‾‾/¥‾‾‾¥ Kanagawa 247-8501 Japan _/
_/ / / ¥ ¥ Email:yamagi@isl.melco.co.jp _/
_/ ‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ _/
Received on Thu Sep 7 19:55:33 2000

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