using s2ibis2

From: Betty Luk <>
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 12:43:27 PDT


I have 2 questions regarding s2ibis2:

1) In the email sent by Dan Aleksandrowicz on Aug 13, 2000, he said that there is a version of s2ibis sofware that increases the resolution to 4 decimal places. I recently downloaded s2ibis2 version 1.1 from the IBIS homepage, and the accuracy that I get is 2 decimal places. Where can I get this fix for the 4 decimal place resolution?

2) I encountered a DC convergence problem when I was using s2ibis2 to generate an IBIS model for a 3-state Output pad (using HSPICE). So, I manually changed the spice file generated by s2ibis2 for the pulldown curve to sweep from 6.6V to -3.3V in intervals of -0.1V (instead of its default from -3.3V to 6.6V in intervals of 0.1V). In the resultant .ibs file, I don't think I'm getting the correct pulldown curve with the subtraction of the gnd clamp curve. Is this because for s2ibis2 to generate the data correctly, the voltage values in the output file have to be increasing? Any ideas on other workarounds?

Many thanks,

Betty Luk

IC Technology
Genesis Microchip Inc.
165 Commerce Valley Dr. W.
Thornhill, Ont. L3T 7V8
(905) 889-5400 x2256

Received on Mon Sep 18 12:43:45 2000

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