vouts2i error

From: Daigo Katagiri <dkx@cypress.com>
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 10:47:38 PDT

I keep getting an error when running s2ibis2 and I'm not sure what else
I can do since the s2ibis software is creating this node.

The error is the following in one of my .out files:

vouts2i ref 0 dc 0

vclmps2i vpwr 0 dc 3.3
vgclmps2i vgnd 0 dc 0
.temp 50
.options ingold=2
.dc vouts2i 3.3 6.6 0.1
.print dc i(vouts2i)

**error**: element 0:vouts2i has been referenced but not
defined id= 9

Any help on what is causing this error would be very appreciated.

Thank you,

Daigo Katagiri
Applications Engineer
Cypress Semiconductor
Timing Technology Division
19825 141st PL NE, Suite 100
Woodinville, WA 98072
Received on Fri Sep 29 10:48:41 2000

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