another ebd modeling question

From: Kris Young <>
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 15:01:41 PDT

I have one more question for the IBIS gurus out there. I'm using Pspice to
model a signal path from an EBD file. I've figured out everything except
what to do when the length is zero and there's an L and a C. When I look at
the classic lumped lossy line (taking R=0 and G=inf), the series L comes
first and then the parallel C. However, when I look at the classic lossless
case, the parallel C comes first, and then the series L.

Since the impedances of these configurations differ, which one should I use.
I can only guess, but it should be clearer than that, right? Would the
lossy case be the one to use, even if there's no R?

Thanks again,

Kris Young

Received on Thu Apr 19 15:02:52 2001

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