Re: using IBIS in HSPICE

From: <>
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 08:14:08 PDT


There are two options in HSPICE that allow you to use V-t data of the
rising and falling waveforms of the IBIS model instead of the Ramp data in
the IBIS model. If you do not specify these options then by default HSPICE
will use the Ramp data.

They are...

ramp_fwf = 0 or 1 or 2
ramp_rwf = 0 or 1 or 2

If you specify 0 then ramp data will be used.
If you specify 1 then 1 waveform will be used.
If you specify 2 then 2 waveforms will be used.

See Chapter 19 of the most recent Star-HSPICE Manual (2000.4) for a full

Adam Tambone

"Perry Qu" <> on 06/19/2001 10:45:05 AM

To: IBIS group <>

Subject: using IBIS in HSPICE


I tried to do some simulation in HSPICE with a differential driver in
IBIS format. The driver is a HSTL output and by connecting the driver
just to a simple 50 ohm load, I observed unrealistic sharp falling edge.
When I check the HSPICE log file, I have the following message:

 ** warning** iob_eles2:102:
    Inconsistency between Ramp and PD/PU data is detected.
    dV_f= 3.2680E-01 V_fwf_max= 3.3000E+00 V_fwf_min= 3.3000E+00
    transition from 80% to 20% is not satisfied

 ** warning** iob_eles2:186:
    099 instances of out-of-range states at falling ramp
    this can detriment accuracy

Any idea how I can correct the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Perry Qu

(See attached file: perry.qu.vcf)


Received on Tue Jun 19 08:16:34 2001

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