Few clarifications / corrections from minutes

From: Randy Harr <randyh@milpitas.lmc.com>
Date: Thu Sep 09 1993 - 15:19:44 PDT

a) The vhdl.org machine is worldwide accessable (in fact, as easily accesable
via email or Internet as any "local" machine). The only possible accessible
drawback is the dial-up access. But this is just an additional service for
those without email access. Obviously, everyone on the reflector has email
access and thus has full access to vhdl.org.

Many countries / states have local companies providing Internet email/net
access for a monthly fee. This is a cheaper alternative to those without
email and not local to the vhdl.org '408' area code access for dial-up.

VI and vhdl.org has as many users from Europe, Middle East, and Asia as the

b) An easier method to submit "models" than emailing them to siuki chan is
to email them to "incoming@vhdl.org". Then email siuki (siuki.chan@vhdl.org)
a message that you sent it there and he can more easily retrieve and
install it. The easiest method is to get an account on the machine.
Contact CMS about that.

c) We setup an ibis-info email alias also. It forwards to Will Hobbs
currently but can be changed to simply send a response message (file) to
whoever mails to it.

d) The BBS has not received the source yet and so, after sending your
$500., we cannot give you a password to get to it. The binaries for the
golden parser are on-line though.

e) CMS's email address is actually merry.bush@vhdl.org. The printed
address is not checked as regularly.

f) Remember all messages over the reflector are archived in a file named
pub/ibis/email.archive (and eventually email.archive.<3Q93, 4Q93, ... or
aug, sep, etc. depending on load.) If there are older communications that
occurred before this recording started (about mid-august), then email the
message text to siuki and he can add it to the file.

g) Just for further clarification; public access to the vhdl.org machine
archive is as follows:
                                   Address Login Name
        Internet FTP vhdl.org ( anonymous
        Internet Telnet vhdl.org " guest
        Dial-up 408.945.4170 guest
        email archive@vhdl.org <no name required>
        gopher gopher.vhdl.org <no name required>
The password (if required) is simply your email address.

h) I let Will and I slip on the press release. Thanks for all the calls of
concern as to whether you were included or not. We will be getting back to
this shortly.

Randolph E. Harr, Logic Modeling Corp., randyh@lmc.com
Received on Thu Sep 9 15:28:55 1993

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