+Postage Due+Re: spice2ibis

From: Kellee Crisafulli <71436.1314@CompuServe.COM>
Date: Mon Dec 06 1993 - 09:17:20 PST

From: Kellee Crisafulli, HyperLynx

Re: Automatically converting SPICE models to IBIS format.

This sounds like a great idea. I have been considering something like this
myself. A program could be written which could
take a spice model and assemble it into a new spice deck which allows the
model to generate V/I data, measure capacitance, slew times etc. from
within spice. Another program could than translate the output data into an
IBIS file.

Companys like Texas Instruments already have extensive lists of SPICE
models available which could than be converted into IBIS format. I wonder
if you would comment on this Bob? (Bob Ward, TI)

This type of program would be relatively generic, however it would probably
require a few tweeks to make it work with the different
flavors of spice.

It seems to me that the companys with SPICE packages and large investments
in SPICE models are the ideal candidates to do a translation program like
this. It is in everyone's best interest including the SPICE companies
because everyone end's up with more models.

Perhaps several companys could jointly sponser a consultant to create the
generic form of the translator for say Berkley SPICE. Than the other SPICE
companys could modify it to their own needs. If there is suffient interest
from other people we could put out an official BIRD on this proposing the
translator as an official IBIS project.

Received on Mon Dec 6 09:21:49 1993

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