Re: BIRD 7 from Arpad

From: C. Kumar <>
Date: Fri Jan 21 1994 - 13:17:45 PST

> Dear IBIS watchers,
> It seems to me that it really does not matter whether that open
> something is a DRAIN, or SOURCE, or COLLECTOR or EMITTER. That is
> described by the V/I curve. All we need to tell the simulator is
> whether the particular element that is left there in the device is
> connected to POWER or GND. I feel we should either use JUST ONE of the
> existing terms, such as open drain, or open collector in a general (and
> somewhat inaccurate) manner, or we might coin a new term that means what
> we want to say without aggrovating those of us who like to mean what we
> say. In either case, ONE keyword (or subkeyword, whatever it is) should
> be sufficient to achieve the goal.
> Something like "open pulldown" could replace "open drain" and an
> additional "open pullup" might take care of all possibilities. (Unless
> I am missing the point). We can figure out how to spell them later if
> we decide on these terms.
> Otherwise I agree with the intent of the BIRD.
> Arpad

I thought that the ECL bird provided for explicit referencing and solved
this problem.

- kumar
Received on Fri Jan 21 13:20:34 1994

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