Forwarded: Question

From: Bob Ross <>
Date: Tue Oct 18 1994 - 10:39:11 PDT


I am posting your question to the IBIS committee for input. For me,
(2) would be nice, but not required. Preferences??



   The original message is telling you that no more memory can be
allocated, so, yes you are running out of memory. The IBISCHK2 program
is not size constrianed; it will try to allocate as much memory as it needs
in order to save the contents of the file in memory.

   For the purpose of successfully completing the parsing, maybe we should
just give a warning once all the memory is used, and then forget about trying
to save anything after that. Unfortunately, the saved contents often serve
for later validation. So this leaves us with 2 options:

  1) Require the machine to have sufficient memory, or
  2) allow the golden parser to accept a flag that tells it to run in a
      conservative mode (probably free memory as soon as it can and forget
      about anyone trying to use the structure contents later on).

   We're open for suggestions.

Paul Munsey

---- Your message ----

When I use IBISCHK2 on a large IBIS file containing all of the parts
in a design (750K) I get around approximately line 5960:

PROGRAM BUG - Unabel t Allocate Memory: c:\ibis\v2\src\rngp.c 192

and later, other similar messages and eventually an abnormal termination

c:\ibis\v2\src\mdl.c:727:assertion failed.

Am I running out of memory or is the IBISCHK2 program size constrained?

Bob Ross,
Interconnectix, Inc.
Received on Tue Oct 18 11:27:22 1994

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