Re: S2IBIS v2.1 update

From: Syed Huq <>
Date: Thu Aug 10 1995 - 14:41:55 PDT

Hi S2IBIS team,

I am not sure how beta sites are chosen but National would very much like
to be a beta site if possible.

National Semiconductor.

> S2IBIS v2.1 is coming along. As projected two weeks ago we (NC State
> University) expect to make a beta release in two weeks. That will be August 24.
> Virtually all v2.1 features that can be supported by S2IBIS will be included
> in the release. A big feature is that a yacc/lex input parser is used. Thus
> future upgrades should be relatively painless. We were able to reuse the
> analysis routines from S2IBIS v1.1
> We do not use the current Golden Parser header files as they had changed
> fairly radically from the initial release of the header files. Too much
> time would have been required to modify the S2IBIS code. Thus
> we will not be able to distribute routines to write a *.ibs from the
> Golden Parser data structures. After the S2IBISv2.1 beta has been released
> and verified we can modify the S2IBIS code apropriately and support
> data structure-to-*.ibs conversion.
> Thanks for your patience.
> S2IBIS development team
> Alan Glaser
> Steve Lipa
> Michael Steer
> Paul Franzon
> North Carolina State University
> Electronics Research Laboratory
Received on Thu Aug 10 14:46:10 1995

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