CMOS drain diodes

From: D. C. Sessions <>
Date: Wed Aug 20 1997 - 12:36:50 PDT

We use a pretty simple method to correct the parasitic
diode models for our HSPICE decks prior to doing the
IBIS extraction.

First, we replace each MOS transistor with a subcircuit
having similar characteristics and parameters; this is
handled by an AWK script:

#! /usr/local/bin/gawk -f
          IGNORECASE = 1

/^M/ {
          if( $6 ~ /^p$/ )
              $6 = "pdt"
              sub( /^M/, "Xmd_", $1 )
            else if( $6 ~ /^n$/ ) {
              $6 = "ndt"
              sub( /^M/, "Xmd_", $1 )
            else if( $6 ~ /^y$/ ) {
              $6 = "ndt"
              sub( /^M/, "Xmd_", $1 )
            for( f = 6; f <= NF; f++ ) {
              sub( /^L=/, "Ltc=", $f )
              sub( /^W=/, "Wtc=", $f )

The library includes the subcircuit file for the
transistor models:

.SUBCKT ndt drain gate source bulk
+ AS=0 AD=0 PS=0 PD=0

M1 drain gate source bulk N L=Ltc W=Wtc GEO=3
*+ AS=0 AD=0 PS=0 PD=0
Dbs bulk drain NDIO AREA=AD PJ=PD
Dbd bulk source NDIO AREA=AS PJ=PS

.ENDS ndt

.SUBCKT pdt drain gate source bulk
+ AS=0 AD=0 PS=0 PD=0

M1 drain gate source bulk P L=Ltc W=Wtc GEO=3
*+ AS=0 AD=0 PS=0 PD=0
Dbs drain bulk PDIO AREA=AD PJ=PD
Dbd source bulk PDIO AREA=AS PJ=PS

.ENDS pdt

... which results in the area and sidewall parasitics
for the MOS devices being zeroed out (thus zeroing their
diode currents and parasitic capacitances) and in
their places are explicit diode models (NDIO and PDIO)
which have improved V/I matching and capacitances.

D. C. Sessions
Received on Wed Aug 20 12:41:01 1997

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