Re: Modelling bus switches and other series elements

From: <mellitz@eagle.ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM>
Date: Wed Jan 15 1997 - 05:42:20 PST

On Jan 15, 9:53am, John V Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Subject: Re: Modelling bus switches and other series elements
> Thanks to Chris and Stephen for your comments,
> Hopefully we'll be able to discuss this topic on Monday.
> Below is a clarification of some points:
> 1) Path info
> I agree with Chris when he says that extra information is needed
> within IBIS to reduce the number of potential simulations. But this
> means giving more than an electrical description of the component;
> a functional description would be necessary, something IBIS doesn't
> do (yet!).
> The proposal I sent would require all possible series paths to be
> listed. This, in my opinion, is a minimum requirement. (With this,
> a simulator could ask the user to select the paths to simulate).
> A further optimisation might be to group series paths together to
> indicate to the simulator that if one path is selected, then all
> paths are selected.
> What do simulator companies do today to model series devices
> such as bus-switches?
As a user I don't find this to be a big problem. We use CBTs all the time.
IBIS is only a starting point to the simulation process. In the simulation
language I hard code in the switch instances I need and selectively
iterate runs. Our application uses the CBTs as mostly crossbars with logically
a limited number of configs.

Richard Mellitz, NCR
Received on Wed Jan 15 05:39:44 1997

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