IBIS Jan98 Summit softcopy on vhdl.org

From: Syed Huq <huq@rockie.nsc.com>
Date: Thu Feb 05 1998 - 16:06:15 PST


The softcopies of the IBIS summit98 that are available have been
placed on the anonymous ftp site at vhdl.org for downloading
under the following sub-dir


Below is the content of the '00readme.txt' file that explains
the files available for download.


IBIS Summit98 - Jan26th 1998
Santa Clara, CA

The 'zip' files are WinZip'ed using ver6.2. Most of the papers are
Powerpoint presentations on Win95

Cadence.zip : "Correlating a Simulated Model (Spice2IBIS) to Lab
               Measurements" - Patrick Riffault (Cadence)
               (Powerpoint presentation with notes)

digital.zip : "Developing an IBIS Model Quality Specification"
               Greg Edlund (Digital)
               (Powerpoint presentation)

hyperlynx.zip:"A New IBIS Development Tool Kit"
               Kellee Crisafulli (Hyperlynx)
               (Powerpoint presentation)

icxjan98.zip: "Inspecting IBIS Models"
               Bob Ross (Interconnectix/Mentor Graphics)
               (Powerpoint presentation)

nesa.ppt: "The IBIS User's Group Objective and Program"
               Ed Sayre (NESA)
               (Powerpoint presentation)
cpkibis98.tar "Probelms in V-T Curve Modeling and Simulation"
               C. Kumar (Cadence)
               (Unix tar file and will explode into html and gif
               format files of each slides)

m012698.txt Meeting minutes of the Jan26th Summit in text format.

Vice-Chair ANSI/EIA-656 (IBIS)
National Semiconductor Corp.
Received on Thu Feb 5 16:06:43 1998

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