cPCI generic 5V Ibis Models

From: Ruston, Matt <mruston@lucent.com>
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 07:59:43 PST


 Hi. I'm trying to do 5V Compact PCI sims and am in need of strong and weak
models. In the cPCI draft spec (PICMG 2.0 D3.0) dated July 21, 1999, there
is reference in Appendix A (Pg 79) to models and they plot the I-V curves
referenced to the min-max specs. Does anyone have these models (either Ibis
or Spice) and can they forward them to me? If not, does anyone have anything
that is close to covering the full range of the cPCI 5V signaling specs?

Thanks in advance...


                                  Matt Ruston (mruston@lucent.com)
                                  Lucent Technologies CNS
                                  Voice: (508) 486-2188
                                  Fax: (508) 486-2126
Received on Thu Jan 6 08:27:21 2000

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