[IBIS] IBIS Cataloging

Subject: [IBIS] IBIS Cataloging
From: Drennan, Steven (steve.drennan@dy4.com)
Date: Mon Sep 30 2002 - 12:40:57 PDT

> Hi all,
> I'm new to the group but I have a few questions that will help me
> get up to speed quicker.
> 1) Does anybody know of a good method of cataloging IBIS models? We're
> using Mentor ICX (under UNIX) and although it has the ability to use
> filenames which do not need to conform to the 8.3 standard, is there a
> kind of adopted standard or best practice for nomenclature?
> 2) Considering it's possible for bad files to pass through parsers, is
> there anyone using a checklist to ensure a true gold model that contains
> all the necessary fields?
> 3a) Regarding resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc., what is the best way
> to properly model these in the circuit? For instance, not all 220uF caps
> are created equal but how does the simulator know the difference between
> an ultralow ESR cap vs. a regular cap? I'm just afraid if these devices
> are not modeled correctly, the simulator could tell me I need a larger
> capacitance value to eliminate noise but that's only because it doesn't
> realize I'm using a special LOW ESR cap.
> 3b) Is there such thing as a resistor.ibs model which contains all the
> various standard values in the different tolerances? If so, does something
> similar exist for caps?
> Thx.
> Steve
> ___________________________________
> Steve Drennan, B. Eng
> Components Specialist
> Dy 4 Systems
> Ph: 613.599.9199 x 5246
> Fx: 613.599.7777
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