[IBIS] Package model question

From: Muranyi, Arpad <arpad.muranyi_at_.....>
Date: Thu Sep 21 2006 - 08:28:35 PDT
Hello everyone,

I wonder what the intent was for the matrix syntax of the
package descriptions in the IBIS specification.

In the non-matrix syntax we described in great detail that
if the Len parameter is zero, the simulator tool supposed
to build a lumped circuit using the LRC parameters, and
when it is non-zero it should use distributed T-lines.

I can't find anything similar when we describe the matrix
format, yet it seems that the RLC matrix parameters could
still be used in a lumped or distributed fashion.  I mean,
just because these are matrixes, it doesn't mean that they
must automatically be distributed T-lines...  (Or does it?)

Can anyone clarify this to me?  Does anyone remember what
the intent was?



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