ICM Issue Resolution Document (IIRD) IIRD ID: 5 ISSUE TITLE: Removal of Recommended Line Limits REQUESTOR: Kelly Green DATE SUBMITTED: August 17, 2004 DATE REVISED: DATE ACCEPTED BY IBIS OPEN FORUM: PENDING **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** STATEMENT OF THE ISSUE: The ICM v1.0 specification recommends line limits to certain descriptive text blocks. These recommendations are essentially meaningless, and are hereby removed. **************************************************************************** STATEMENT OF THE RESOLVED SPECIFICATIONS: ============================================================================= Keyword: [Disclaimer] Required: No Argument: Text Block Used By: [Begin Header] Description: Legal disclaimer and copyright information Usage Rules: This keyword provides a place for the user to add a legal disclaimer. |* remove NOTE: It is recommended that the argument to the [Disclaimer] |* remove keyword be limited to a maximum of 96 lines of text. The [Disclaimer] keyword may appear only once between the [Begin Header]/[End Header] keyword pair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Disclaimer] This information is for modeling purposes only, and is not guaranteed. ============================================================================= Keyword: [Support] Required: No Argument: Text Block (URL path name) Used By: [Begin Header] Description: Specifies a web site that can be visited to get the latest version of the file Usage Rules: Following the [Support] keyword is the URL of a web site the user may visit for more information on the model or model(s). The entire link, including any file extension, is required. The [Support] keyword may appear only once between the [Begin Header]/[End Header] keyword pair. NOTE: It is recommended that a separate IBIS model web site (not page) be maintained to prevent accidental changes of page name from breaking this link. The [Support] keyword may appear only once between the [Begin Header]/[End Header] keyword pair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Support] http://www.VendorNameIbisModels.com |example ibis web site root ============================================================================= Keyword: [Redistribution Text] Required: Yes, ONLY if [Redistribution] value is "Specific", otherwise it is optional Argument: Text block Used By: [Begin Header] Description: Allows model creator to supply specific redistribution information Usage Rules: If the argument to the [Redistribution] keyword is "Specific", then the user must include additional information on licensing details, or where to find them. Any text following the [Redistribution Text] keyword must be included in any derivative models verbatim. |* remove Note: It is recommended that the argument to the |* remove [Redistribution Text] keyword be limited to a maximum of 24 |* remove lines of text. The [Redistribution Text] keyword may appear only once between the [Begin Header]/[End Header] keyword pair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Redistribution Text] Your text goes here. ============================================================================= Keyword: [ICM Family Description] Required: Yes Argument: Text Block Used By: [Begin ICM Family] Description: Provides a human-readable description of this interconnect family. Usage Rules: Only one [ICM Family Description] keyword is allowed per file, and this keyword may appear only between the [Begin ICM Model Family] and [ICM Model List] keywords. |* remove Note: It is recommended that the family description be limited |* remove to a maximum of 4 lines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ICM Family Description] High Density 0.1 center square pin connector designed for use on IEEE 99999 buses. **************************************************************************** ANALYSIS PATH/DATA THAT LED TO SPECIFICATION: The recommended line limits have no obvious purpose, and are in any case are worded so weakly that they might as well not be there. The present implementation of the parser does not check these recommendations in any way. My motivation for suggesting their removal is simply that I feel obliged to issue parser release notes regarding the non-enforcement of these non-requirements. **************************************************************************** ANY OTHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION: ****************************************************************************