Minutes of 7/11/2000 IBIS-X teleconference We discussed ways to avoid unnecessary rehashing previous discussions. Stephen Nolan pointed out that JEDEC keeps a running "consensus list". We will do likewise, and I will begin by including it in these emails. We discussed the Stephen Nolan IBIS/HTML proposal: - Al: The KFM browser (Linux) fails to open Nolan sample as is. - Stephen believes that IBIS should become the datasheet. Datasheets in PDF form are more or less marketing documents today. - Stephen had considered specifying that IBIS parsers must recognize HTML 1.1, but this is not good. - The .ibs extension makes it so that it is more work to open it in a browser. This discussion got sidetracked some, and there was no solid conclusion. - Should there be a [File Name] field? Should it be a parser error? The field will be defined, but it is not required. [CONSENSUS]. - ACTION: Stephen Nolan will write a proposal. We will consider if it should become a BIRD. We discussed the macro language: - Al stated that we should not approve standards until prototyped. "Level 2" ideas are under consideration as future plans, not part of the spec. Mike suggested we keep notes on these ideas and file BIRDs *after* the spec is approved, instead of having level 1 & 2 versions of the spec. The ideas are therefore "EGGs". - We began discussing the general contents of the files provided by Al, but only went over 2 of them: - behavioral: Behavioral building blocks reference (there are only 2 blocks now) - circuit - Circuit element one-liners - We will use the elements in the "Spice compatible:" list. [CONSENSUS] - There was some discussion of Diode. - ACTION: John will provide a write-up for the Resistor element, which we will refine as the template format for write-ups of the other elements in the spec. - We discussed the extended, spice-like elements in the 'circuit' file. - Al suggested the '.name' convention be used to identify the controlled resistance, admittance and capacitance, as in .VCR, .VCG etc., to avoid naming conflicts in spice-compatible simulators. - Arpad suggested that the controlled elements not be separate elements with their own identifiers, but could be expressed by adding the extra parameters to the spice-compatible passive elements. This would fit within a plan to limit the number of elements and make them as general as possible. - Al restated his concern that the standard should be familiar to analog designers and should not force tool vendors to develop new technology. - ACTION: Arpad agreed to try putting his proposal for circuit element syntax in writing for the next meeting. At the next meeting we will consider putting the principle of the controlled R, G and C on the consensus list, but their syntax is certainly an open item. Thanks, Mike CONSENSUS LIST: 7/11/2000: - The specification will define a [File Name] field similar to current IBIS. Unlike current IBIS it will be optional, however. - The following Spice-compatible elements are accepted into the macro language: Resistor (R) (v = f(i,t), i = f(v,t), r = constant or f(t)) Capacitor (C) (q = f(v,t), c = f(v,t), c = constant or f(t)) Inductor (L) (flux = f(i,t), L = f(i,t), L = constant or f(t)) VCVS (E) (Vout = f(Vin,t)) VCCS (G) (Iout = f(Vin,t)) Isource (I) (I = constant or f(t)) Vsource (V) (V = constant or f(t)) Diode (D) (basic diode, subset of Spice parameters) Subckt (X) (used for submodel, driver schedule)