****************************************************************************** ********************* IBIS GOLDEN PARSER BUG REPORT FORM ********************* ****************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS To report a bug in the IBIS golden parser. Please fill out the top part of the following form and send the complete form to ibis-bug@eda.org. A list of reported bugs will be maintained on eda.org. ****************************************************************************** PARSER VERSION NUMBER: Version 4.2.2 PLATFORM (SPARC, HP700, PC, etc.): PC OS AND VERSION: Windows XP Service Pack 3 REPORTED BY: Tim Coyle, Signal Consulting Group LLC DATE: 7/7/09 DESCRIPTION OF BUG: The IBIS Specification requires both a Test Data name and Test Load name when using the [Test Data] keyword. The keyword hierarchy in IBIS 4.2 shows the [Test Data] keyword as a child to the parent [Model]. If two [Model] declarations in an IBIS file use the same Test Data name and/or Test Load name the IBIS Parser will flag that as an error. The IBIS Parser should not flag this as an error or warning since each [Test Data] declaration is under a different parent [Model]. The different names enable the same [Model] to be used with different [Test Loads] to generate different [Test Data] results. INSERT IBIS FILE DEMONSTRATING THE BUG: | [IBIS Ver] 4.2 [Comment Char] |_char [File name] bug104.ibs [File Rev] 1.0 [Date] 7/9/09 [Component] TestComponent [Manufacturer] ACME1 [Package] R_pkg 0m 0m 0m L_pkg 0n 0n 0n C_pkg 0p 0p 0p | [Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin 1 output out 2 output2 out2 | [Model] out Model_type 3-state Vmeas=1.0V Cref=15.0pF Rref=1.0e5 Vref=0.0V C_comp 3.0pF 2.0pF 4.0pF | [Voltage Range] 3.3V 2.97V 3.63V | [Temperature Range] 25.0 85.0 -40.0 | [Pullup] -3.3E0 1.111061E-1 7.221187E-2 1.669313E-1 6.6E0 -1.396476E-1 -7.945083E-2 -2.207297E-1 | [Pulldown] -3.3E0 -1.009141E-3 -9.336372E-4 -9.625101E-4 6.6E0 1.980679E-1 1.342E-1 2.761489E-1 | [Ramp] dV/dt_r 1.647168E0/4.4E-10 1.313845E0/7.6E-10 1.947807E0/2.6E-10 dV/dt_f 1.589107E0/4.4E-10 1.290127E0/7.8E-10 1.852899E0/2.8E-10 | [Test Data] Test_Data Test_data_type Single_ended Driver_model out Test_load Cap [Rising Waveform Near] 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 2E-11 4.342141E-5 4.350173E-5 4.115854E-5 | [Falling Waveform Near] 0E0 3.3E0 2.97E0 3.63E0 2E-11 4.342141E-5 4.350173E-5 4.115854E-5 | [Test_load] Cap Test_load_type Single_ended C1_near = 15.0pF | [Model] out2 Model_type 3-state Vmeas=1.oV Cref=15.0pF Rref=1.0e5 Vref=0.0V C_comp 3.0pF 2.0pF 4.0pF | [Voltage Range] 3.3V 2.97V 3.63V | [Temperature Range] 25.0 85.0 -40.0 | [Pullup] -3.3E0 1.111061E-1 7.221187E-2 1.669313E-1 6.6E0 -1.396476E-1 -7.945083E-2 -2.207297E-1 | [Pulldown] -3.3E0 -1.009141E-3 -9.336372E-4 -9.625101E-4 6.6E0 1.980679E-1 1.342E-1 2.761489E-1 | [Ramp] dV/dt_r 1.647168E0/4.4E-10 1.313845E0/7.6E-10 1.947807E0/2.6E-10 dV/dt_f 1.589107E0/4.4E-10 1.290127E0/7.8E-10 1.852899E0/2.8E-10 | [Test Data] Test_Data Test_data_type Single_ended Driver_model out2 Test_load Cap [Rising Waveform Near] 0E0 0E0 0E0 0E0 2E-11 4.342141E-5 4.350173E-5 4.115854E-5 | [Falling Waveform Near] 0E0 3.3E0 2.97E0 3.63E0 2E-11 4.342141E-5 4.350173E-5 4.115854E-5 | [Test_load] Cap Test_load_type Single_ended C1_near = 15.0pF | [End] ****************************************************************************** ******************** BELOW FOR ADMINISTRATION AND TRACKING ******************* ****************************************************************************** BUG NUMBER: 104 SEVERITY: [FATAL, SEVERE, MODERATE, ANNOYING, ENHANCEMENT] ANNOYING PRIORITY: [HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW] LOW STATUS: [OPEN, CLOSED, WILL NOT FIX, NOT A BUG] NOT A BUG FIXED VERSION: 5.0.6 FIXED DATE: October 7, 2011 NOTES ON BUG FIX: Classified August 7, 2009 for the purpose of archiving the problem. The resolution is likely to involve a BIRD to clarify the hierarchy and perhaps another BUG report to make the parser consistent with the Specification. Currently Errors are correctly reported, so this would eventually be classified as WILL NOT FIX or NOT A BUG October 7, 2011: BIRD142 passed September 16, 2011 placed the [Test Load] and [Test Data] keywords to the top-level. This removed the concerns in BUG104. BUG104 describes the scoping of [Test Data] and [Test Load] keywords under different [Model] keywords. That would imply that the test load names and the same test data names could be repeated names as an error because the parser was already designed to do the checks as BIRD142 had intended. Any deviations from the BIRD142 hierarchy correction should be issued as a new BUG. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************