****************************************************************************** ********************* IBIS GOLDEN PARSER BUG REPORT FORM ********************* ****************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS To report a bug in the IBIS golden parser. Please fill out the top part of the following form and send the complete form to ibis-bug@eda.org. A list of reported bugs will be maintained on eda.org. ****************************************************************************** PARSER VERSION NUMBER: 5.1.2 PLATFORM (SPARC, HP700, PC, etc.): PC OS AND VERSION: Windows 7 REPORTED BY: Curtis Clark, ANSYS, Inc. DATE: January 14, 2013 DESCRIPTION OF BUG: This is a code cleanup proposal concerning ccorner.c that causes compilation issues with the debug print enabler "IBIS_PRINT" defined. 1. Add missing argument in the forward declaration of s_PrintRange() by changing #ifdef IBIS_PRINT static void s_PrintRange(RNG *pRng_in, FILE *pFile_in); to #ifdef IBIS_PRINT static void s_PrintRange(RNG *pRng_in, char *psName, FILE *pFile_in); 2. Under the function CCORNER_Print(), calls to s_PrintRange() have a misspelled variable name in several locations. Change pCorner_in to pCcorner_in. ------- INSERT IBIS FILE DEMONSTRATING THE BUG: None ****************************************************************************** ******************** BELOW FOR ADMINISTRATION AND TRACKING ******************* ****************************************************************************** BUG NUMBER: 143 SEVERITY: [FATAL, SEVERE, MODERATE, ANNOYING, ENHANCEMENT] MODERATE PRIORITY: [HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW] LOW STATUS: [OPEN, CLOSED, WILL NOT FIX, NOT A BUG] CLOSED FIXED VERSION: 5.1.3 FIXED DATE: March 20, 2013 NOTES ON BUG FIX: Classified at the February 22, 2013 teleconference meeting. To be fixed in the next release. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************