================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ibis.org_interconnect-5Fwip_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=uNDC53ScmABsMv9iAnbVyR6RWEoaUpmhvyZQoRV9cSA&s=J5oKopc3SRCaRqaOQEYl3KaiGugcE3cg1qmJHlRYQsI&e= Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org Archives at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freelists.org_archive_ibis-2Dinterconn_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=uNDC53ScmABsMv9iAnbVyR6RWEoaUpmhvyZQoRV9cSA&s=VClnPZ-lhCKXupTZEmanZMfdrqaW65rz2Yzv5VL9SHc&e= ================================================================================ Attendees from January 27, 2021 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield* Randy Wolff* SiSoft (MathWorks) Walter Katz* Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Zuken USA Lance Wang* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of Minutes: - Michael called for review of the minutes from the January 20, 2021 meeting. Michael displayed the minutes. Lance Wang moved to approve the minutes. Randy Wolff seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Randy to send out EMD BIRD202.2 draft7. - Done. Opens: - None. BIRD202.2 draft7: Michael asked if we need more discussion around the EMD Parts selector. Bob Ross stated that it seems some expansion in this area would be a nice-to-have. Michael asked if this is a nice-to-have feature or is necessary to add in this draft. Arpad Muranyi replied we do not want to release this BIRD if it paints us into a corner for adding this feature later. Randy commented there is an issue with this feature for nested EMDs, and this seems difficult to solve. Bob stated our options are to include this now in a simple way or to not include it later. He was concerned any change later would not be compatible. Bob favored delaying the release to have a simple solution now, rather than try to add it later. Michael asked if there is any feedback we would get from the IBIS Open Forum by submitting this now. Bob replied it might be useful, as most people are not as deeply involved in this BIRD. He suggested we should be prepared to release a BIRD202.3. Michael asked how badly are we gated for IBIS 7.1. Randy replied this is the BIRD that is holding up the vote on IBIS 7.1 content. Michael asked if we had enough consensus on the EMD Parts selector proposal that someone could write the update to the BIRD. Arpad thought either he or Randy or could write it. Arpad asked if we have come up with a simple solution. He had suggested that we not include nested EMDs, but he was not sure we had come up with a solution. Randy stated we had not come up with a solution on the nesting issue. He asked if we could come up with a rule that we only support the selection at the top-level. Arpad asked if the selection at only the top-level would be useful. Bob asked why we need to limit ourselves. Michael asked what needs to be changed in the current draft to submit this for Friday's Open Forum meeting. Randy noted we need a statement about what has changed. Bob noted we made some technical changes related to extended nets. Michael noted we do not have a history about what changed in BIRD202.1. Arpad commented that we added two new keywords. Randy stated we added EMD Parts and Voltage List. Michael added a sentence for the updates to each version. Arpad stated we removed a keyword. Randy noted we had EMD Designator Map which was removed. It was replaced by EMD Designator List. Bob stated we also added the shorted rail syntax with the asterisk. Randy stated this was added in BIRD202.1. Arpad asked what was the change from BIRD202.1 to BIRD202.2. He was leaning toward releasing BIRD202.2 to the IBIS Open Forum. Michael noted there is a not a statement in the BIRD on the difference between BIRD202.1 and BIRD202.2. He suggested we should add this. Arpad asked how useful it would be to release BIRD202.2 to the IBIS Open Forum. Michael asked if we have received any feedback from the IBIS Open Forum on this BIRD. Arpad stated he was not aware of any. Bob commented the changes are self generated. Randy commented the changes are mostly editorial. Bob stated he did not have a problem to release BIRD202.2 with the understanding that we may want to release a BIRD202.3. Arpad stated, if we don't release BIRD202.2, we are delaying the IBIS Open Forum review process. If we decide to not make any changes to this, then we are ahead. Bob asked if it is worth it to submit this BIRD as is. Arpad replied EMD works now, but the selector is a convenience feature. Randy stated he can automate issuing multiple EMDs for variants. Walter noted the majority of the file size is in the subcircuits, and the EMD file is just a wrapper. Walter suggested we table EMD Parts selector discussion and move forward. Randy agreed and suggested we submit BIRD202.2 to the IBIS Open Forum. Michael asked what needs to changed in the current draft to submit this for Friday's Open Forum meeting. Randy noted we need a statement about what has changed. Bob noted we made some technical changes related to extended nets. Michael noted we do not have a history about what changed in BIRD202.1. Arpad commented added two new keywords. Randy stated we added EMD Parts and Voltage List. Michael added a sentence for the updates to each version. Arpad stated we removed a keyword. Randy noted we had EMD Designator Map which was removed. It was replaced by EMD Designator Map. Bob stated we also added the shorted rail syntax with the asterisk. Randy stated this was added in BIRD202.1. Michael commented the terminology list item in the bin list should be something for the IBIS specification. He would not hold up IBIS 7.1 for this. Bob suggested this should be a separate BIRD. We might also make changes to the terminology in the IBIS specification. Michael noted there is highlighting of the section numbers and the table numbers in the BIRD. He noted this will make our work for Editorial easier. Bob agreed to keep the highlights. Randy asked about an open item in the bin list regarding pins. Michael noted this is a final editorial check including the capitalization. Randy thought this is in good shape with the editorial reviews we have done. Arpad moved to submit the BIRD202.2 draft8 to the IBIS Open Forum. Randy seconded. There were no objections. Michael will submit BIRD202.2 draft8 to the IBIS Open Forum with an email to the reflector [AR]. Randy and Arpad will create a proposal for adding a name to EMD Parts list [AR]. Bob stated he can help to update the examples. Arpad suggested this can happen as a next step. Michael asked if we will have a meeting next week. Arpad asked how we will handle the workload for Editorial and updates to Touchstone. Randy would like to start Editorial soon on the normal Friday time slot, and we could use this time slot if it works better. Bob stated we need to have an organized process for the editorial work. EMD is a large BIRD that needs to be carefully folded in. Walter asked if it makes sense to make EMD a separate document. Bob noted the EMD BIRD relies on other sections, such as Section 3. He advised against this. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be TBD. Randy moved to adjourn. Walter seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. ================================================================================ Bin List: IBIS-ISS Parser: - IBIS-ISS parser scope document