================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP http://www.ibis.org/interconnect_wip/ Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org Archives at http://www.freelists.org/archive/ibis-interconn/ ================================================================================ Attendees from March 25, 2020 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark* Cadence Design Systems Bradley Brim Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak*, Ifiok Umoh Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield*, Randy Wolff* SiSoft Walter Katz*, Mike LaBonte Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of Minutes: - Michael called for review of the minutes from the March 18, 2020 meeting. Randy Wolff moved to approve the minutes. Curtis Clark seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Bob Ross to make the changes to the EMD draft he would like to see. - Bob sent out draft 3 and draft 4. Bob superseded the changes to draft 3, as he took the changes from Randy and Walter Katz and called it draft 3. Draft 4 has the changes from Bob. Opens: Michael noted there was a discussion in the last meeting about the rules for the part numbers and whether they need to exist for every case or not. EMD Draft Review: Bob retained the comments from the previous draft. He summarized the changes in an email including the global and editorial changes. Bob changed EMD Designator Map to EMD Designator List and Voltages to Voltage List. He added section 12 and section 13 headers. The order of the keywords was changed. Walter asked about the change from the phrase "interconnect model" to "electrical model". Bob replied "interconnect model" has a different connotation, while in this case we use "electrical model" for the IBIS-ISS and Touchstone. Walter noted we are generating models for the interconnect and suggested to review this. Bob agreed we should look at this for consistency. Bob added a rule that only one [Begin EMD] keyword is permitted in an .emd file. We might also consider renaming EMD Parts to EMD Part Map. For EMD Designator Map, he changed the required section to allow the EMD pins to connect to each other. Randy asked about the mention of the first column of the Reference Designator Map in the EBD section. He suggested to remove the mention of EBD for clarity. Bob agreed and made this change. Randy suggested some editorial fixes to this parenthetical statement. Bob suggested to think about updating the example, as it is an obsolete part that is shown. Bob added signal_names and bus_labels in the Voltage List rules. Randy suggested to remove the phrase "tells the parser". Bob noted this phrase appears many times both in this BIRD and in the IBIS specification. Arpad Muranyi asked if this is the ibischk parser or the EDA tool parser. Bob agreed this is the issue with this statement. He suggested to add this to the task list. Randy agreed. Bob noted this could be an editorial change to the IBIS specification. Bob commented for the Voltage List he changed the header names to V(typ), V(min), V(max). He added the column headings as comments. Randy asked if this follows the voltage range keyword. Bob replied it is similar. Bob noted in the EMD Group section he made major changes to cut out some of the text and add a reference to section 13.6 for the connection rules. These detailed rules are moved to later on in the BIRD. He made the EMD Set description text a new section 13.1. He also created other subsections for the key areas, and the titles can be adjusted later. For the connection rules, Bob added rules to the rail connections about using the "*" in the Designator Pin List. He summarized this with another Pin_Rail row in the Tale 41. He also added a note about this. Randy commented the foot note should be labeled as Note 2. Bob added a new section for the connection rules as section 13.6. There are also Aggressor_Only rules which are spelled out in the text he wrote. But, he has not integrated all the information together in one section. He noted Randy's pictures would be in this section as well, but this will need significant rework. Michael asked what additional action is needed. Bob replied we need to rewrite section 13.6. Michael commented we need to review the technical changes first. He suggested it would be good to have a summary of the technical changes. Walter suggested to resolve the issue if there is a Designator that has a part but that part does not have an EMD or IBIS file associated with it. He suggested that every part exists in the EMD Parts list, and parts without a mapping will be set as NA. A comment field can be added to state what the part is. Bob commented we don't deal with analog parts and some of these would be no connect pins. There would be no IBIS parts for these and they could be no connects with routing, and these would be functionally useless. Walter commented the EDA tool will need some way of associating a model, and we don't have analog models. Bob noted these all have pin numbers and some pins can be set as no connects. Walter gave examples of buffers and muxes which would need to be added by the EDA tool. If you have a text entry, the EDA tool or user can make a selection for these parts. Randy asked where this comment field would go. He also suggested to change the name of the first column. Walter stated the file name would be NA, and everything after that would be a comment. The EDA tool will have to do something with the part. Michael suggested we would need to write up the rule for this. Walter will propose text for adding the NA label to the [EMD Parts] keyword [AR]. Bob to send out EMD draft 5 [AR]. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be April 4. Walter moved to adjourn. Randy seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. ================================================================================ Bin List: EMD Comments to be Resolved: (See BIRD202.1 tracking spreadsheet) IBIS-ISS Parser: - IBIS-ISS parser scope document