============================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org ================================================================================ Attendees from April 10, 2024 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark, Juliano Mologni Broadcom James Church Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Michael Brownell Keysight Technologies Ming Yan Marvell Steve Parker MathWorks Walter Katz* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield Siemens EDA Weston Beal, Arpad Muranyi*, Randy Wolff* ST Microelectronics Aurora Sanna Synopsys Ted Mido, Edna Moreno Teraspeed Labs [Bob Ross] University of Illinois Jose Schutt-Aine Zuken USA Lance Wang Michael Mirmak called the meeting to order. No patents were declared. Michael reviewed the minutes of the April 3 meeting. Arpad Muranyi moved to approve the minutes. Walter Katz seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. Michale noted that he would not be available for the April 17 meeting. During the AR review, Michael mentioned his still-open AR regarding checking the IEEE 370 specification for sampling information. Arpad noted that he had completed his AR by sending out his new draft of the port- mapping proposal. Two more examples have been added, taken from his earlier presentation. The new examples do not "lead" the document, as mentioned in the minutes, but are towards the end. Randy Wolff confirmed the original AR was about the draft TSIRD, not the slide set. He noted we may need to reorder the examples. Walter's AR was completed - his port-mapping TSIRD Y draft 1 has been sent to the reflector. Arpad noted that he had responded via e-mail. Michael reviewed the priorities list he distributed to the reflector. The concept was to show what features should be considered, and according to what importance. Arpad asked for clarification on some, and whether the list was for Touchstone 3 as whole or just the port-mapping concept. Michael noted that this was general to new features in Touchstone 3.0 beyond the submitted pole-residue proposal. Walter replied that he would prefer to see discussion at some point in the future of moving to a "Touchstone++" rather than a direct update to Touchstone 2.0 in 3.0. He additionally suggested not using the priorities document beyond as a reference. Michael asked the participants about whether netlisting support was an objective of the effort. Arpad replied that netlisting was not part of his original intent. Randy stated that there is a need to describe locations where the ports of the Touchstone file exist; "netlisting" may not be an appropriate term for this. Walter toured through a list of solution requirements in his document. These include generating models for IBIS, EBD and/or IBIS Interconnect through automation. Walter added, per a requirement, that he personally believes all Touchstone files should be single-ended. If differential data is needed, single-ended data can be converted on the fly for and diagnostics needed. Arpad asked what features need to be added. Walter replied that we still need the differential port map for the data. Randy added that this conversion process is all that really happens in a viewer; the user tells the viewer what the port usage is. Michael noted that he had consulted internally regarding Touchstone features, and only one response was received, advocating against supporting mixed-mode data in the file format. Walter added that he had two customers advocating for automated generation of test probe locations for test equipment. Walter provided additional guidance on the proposal. In particular,"Bus_label" under "Begin Port Map" is a list of physical locations. Arpad expressed concern this will be easily mixed up with the Bus_label for IBIS. Walter agreed, noting these are distinct concepts that will be resolved later. Walter noted that subparameters and parameters may get renamed later as well. There are a few reserved terms as well. The original proposal used tables; this changes to use one entry per parameter. Parameters for the format include: Type, Physical, Logical, Net, Side, Diff_Port, Reference, Probe, Status Probe refers to part number of the probe; Status and Probe are for test probe locations. Arpad noted that we may need to identify if data is raw or after de-embedding. We also need rules for which ones are optional with respect to others. Walter noted that they're really all optional. Arpad stated that he is strongly opposed to having no rules on port naming, as it should not be up to the model-maker to decide names. Walter noted that the type and be S or P, for signal or power. The Physical parameter is a string for human reading. Michael suggested watching out for cases where interconnect data may be generated without regard to application. Randy replied that there are always hierarchy rules where lower-level names may not match higher-level names (logical or net names). Michael stated that a set of simple cases or examples should be generated as a "sales pitch" to convince users of the new features' value. Walter suggested using an "on-ramp" concept, and already generated an example: a 4-pin cable from a CPU to a sensor, as in a car. The format also supports schematic symbol creation. Examples are also provided for transistor and co-planar waveguides. The agenda for the next meeting will be to continue Walter's tour, focused on the IBIS Interconnect Model definitions. Arpad moved to adjourn; Randy seconded. The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will take place on April 3, 2024. ================================================================================ Bin List: 1) [Complete draft Touchstone document separating version 1.0 and 2.0 into their own chapters] - REMOVED 2) Create structures to encapsulate Touchstone 1.0 data in Touchstone 2+ specifications - TABLED 3) Complete draft Touchstone 2.0 document containing TSIRD3 and TSIRD4 draft (Muranyi) – COMPLETED 4) Complete pole-residue format BIRD draft (Muranyi) - COMPLETED 5) Complete port naming proposal (Katz) - COMPLETED 6) Create alternatives to the Touchstone 1.0 option line before the "R" character - TABLED 7) Complete ISS-IRD 1 Draft - Enable Cascading of S-parameters Through W-element (Mirmak) - TABLED 8) Complete/revise Touchstone 3.0 draft outline (Mirmak) – dependent on several items above Tabled ARs: - Arpad to give an example of the physical connectivity needed for EMD automation.