================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ibis.org_interconnect-5Fwip_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=3QVRsYWfnnub0_TPT7oIp03Eb3sOaTa-slifKdLSWVYMpMB1VTQPYi3PyF0ekbRC&s=6D1KjZt-xEpU6q--ADI3wRcA8L86DAAbjFydEZensKM&e= Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org Archives at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freelists.org_archive_ibis-2Dinterconn_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=3QVRsYWfnnub0_TPT7oIp03Eb3sOaTa-slifKdLSWVYMpMB1VTQPYi3PyF0ekbRC&s=mbdQV1AbxKY3XdRgc772jqyjXHnyIVdv0UZYli3RgDk&e= ================================================================================ Attendees from April 13, 2022 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Michael Brownell Marvell Steve Parker MathWorks Walter Katz* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield* Randy Wolff* Siemens EDA Arpad Muranyi* ST Microelectronics Aurora Sanna Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* University of Illinois Jose Schutt-Aine Zuken USA Lance Wang Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of Minutes: - Michael called for review of the minutes from the March 30, 2022 meeting. Michael displayed the minutes. Arpad Muranyi motioned to approve the minutes. Randy Wolff seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Randy to add the EMD example issues to the IBIS 7.1 known issues document. - Done. - Randy to add the Manufacturer examples to the IBIS 7.1 known issues document. - Done. - Michael to send the updated TSIRD and ISSIRD templates to Randy. - Done. Michael reported these were both introduced in the last Open Forum meeting. Opens: - None. Discussion: Michael noted there were two pole-residue presentations and a presentation on port naming at the DesignCon IBIS Summit. Michael asked, if the pole-residue format could have issues with the model fit, would we need information or metrics about the matching. Bob Ross stated this is out of our scope to determine the fitting algorithm. Arpad suggested we could have an error function to give a quality metric. Arpad noted Vladimir prefers the pole-residue format rather than a SPICE netlist based on the pole-residue data. Bob stated the main concern is the format of the pole-residue file, and deciding where the format goes is still an issue. Arpad suggested to have the pole-residue data and the touchstone data in the same file. Simulators could only look at the pole-residue data if needed, and there is overlap with the port naming. Arpad stated there could also be cases where you might want the data in separate files. Bob noted that combining the pole-residue and Touchstone data in the same file will not give a file size advantage. Michael asked if the presentations from Vladimir and Jose are seen as mutually exclusive. Arpad stated his understanding is that Jose's presentation is more about converting to SPICE circuits. The advantage of a new pole-residue format is that you could make use of the data outside of a SPICE engine. We could use the pole-residue format in an IBIS-AMI simulation without a SPICE engine. Michael asked if there is any other algorithm we need to look at. He asked if we need to compare the approaches from Vladimir and Jose. Walter Katz commented that Jose presented on converting from pole-residue to SPICE, and he sees Vladimir's approach as the only solution. Michael stated we need to decide a path to take some action. Walter noted Vladimir has a format that we can look out. Pole-residue format is a standard in the industry, and we only need to work on the details of the format. Randy noted it is a separate topic if IBIS-ISS supports Jose's full flow. Arpad noted Jose mentioned the foster element. These use recursive convolution. We do support the foster elements in IBIS-ISS. Bob asked if the format for pole-residue is standard across tools. Arpad replied that it is not, and this is what we need to decide on. Walter suggested to propose a format of pole-residue and check with the EDA tool vendors if it can work. Arpad suggested he can convert Vladimir's format to a keyword based format and start a BIRD draft [AR]. Walter noted MathWorks would be okay to use Siemens' format for the pole-residues. Walter noted he sent out a new presentation on the port naming. Arpad motioned to adjourn. Randy seconded. The meeting adjourned. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be April 20. ================================================================================ Bin List: 1. Touchstone 3 2. Pole-residue support for Touchstone 3. Port naming