====================================================================== IBIS INTERCONNECT MODELING AD HOC TASK GROUP MEETING MINUTES AND AGENDA http://www.eda.org/ibis/adhoc/interconnect/ Mailing list: ibis-interconn@freelists.org ====================================================================== Next Meeting Wednesday, September 26, 2007 Telephone Bridge Passcode 916-356-2663 4 336-0321 LiveMeeting Details - NOTE: USE THE DETAILS BELOW ONLY IF THE OUTLOOK INVITATION LINKS FAIL If you need to be added to the LiveMeeting, contact Michael Mirmak Subject: IBIS Ad Hoc Interconnect Meeting Meeting URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/intel/join Meeting ID: 28RXND Meeting Key: sjXf|5#;5 Role: Attendee Agenda: - Review of Touchstone(R) 2.0 draft 10 - Simple vs. complex ICM-IBIS interfacing ====================================================================== Minutes from August 15: Attendees: ---------- (* denotes present) Agilent - Radek Biernacki*, John Moore Green Streak Programs - Lynne Green Intel - Michael Mirmak* Mentor Graphics Corp. - John Angulo* Micron Technology - Randy Wolff* Teraspeed Consulting Group - Bob Ross* ======================================================================== The team reviewed the latest version of the Touchstone 2.0 draft. Radek expressed concerns that the 1.0 specification features may not be completely explained in the 2.0 text. He will review the text to make sure. Bob suggested that consistency and clarity demand this document be called Touchstone(R) 2.0, not Touchstone2 or other variants. This would mean preserving the name "Touchstone(R)" and investigating any legal implications. Michael agreed to this, and will update the document to refer to the text as Version 2.0. Randy suggested checking the capitalization of "version," enlarging the font for the title and formatting the title page to be similar to IBIS. The features suggested by Sam Chitwood of Sigrity and Bob Ross at previous meetings are being addressed as follows: - [No. of Freq. Points] keyword: may be redundant but can be added in a future release - Name as Touchstone 2.0: will be changed - [Reference] keyword to wrap across CR/LF or LF boundary: will be added - lower/upper half matrix format: will be added - binary file compression: too complex; will not be added in this revision Separately, Michael will provide a write-up of the lower-half/upper-half matrix options. This can be "rolled into" the current draft once the team agrees on the structure and operation of the new features. He previewed a copy of this during the meeting. Radek commented that the proper equation for the number of data points in the matrix descriptions is "(n*(n+1)) + 1" where n is the number of ports. Therefore, for a one-port matrix, three points are given (e.g., magnitude and angle plus one frequency) but for a three-port matrix, 13 values are given (e.g., six pairs of magnitude/angle data plus one frequency point). Therefore, the total number of data points should be "x*(n*(n+1)) + 1)" where x is the number of frequency points. Radek also suggested keeping the phrase "row-wise" in the text when describing the ordering of matrix data. The ordering of matrix data would then resemble the following, depending on whether lower- or upper- half matrix data is specified: LOWER-HALF ROW-WISE S11 S21 S22 S31 S32 S33 LOWER-HALF COLUMN-WISE S11 S21 S31 S22 S32 S33 UPPER-HALF S11 S12 S22 S13 S23 S33 COLUMN-WISE UPPER-HALF S11 S12 S13 S22 S23 S33 ROW-WISE The team will continue working on the revised drafts. ======================================================================== Team Objectives: 1) complete ICM-IBIS linking BIRD and any associated changes to the ICM specification 2) update the ICM specification, if needed, to clarify the mapping of ICM nodes to S-parameter ports 3) complete a specification for "Touchstone Plus" or similar industry-standard definition for Touchstone-like files, to include complex impedance references, removal of limits on the maximum number of ports and per-port impedance references