================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ibis.org_interconnect-5Fwip_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=gmG8l7ZfxO39OcwkA04v3-k1HACPu427ycwO6w8hSqk&s=12DpW3obntCXHHybSIi4GWFGMaH5_T5jGFzVXuu0H6w&e= Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org Archives at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freelists.org_archive_ibis-2Dinterconn_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=gmG8l7ZfxO39OcwkA04v3-k1HACPu427ycwO6w8hSqk&s=gMZlEwh5EirYuQQatW8dgeblmighASOevIcqhjs9BdI&e= ================================================================================ Attendees from September 16, 2020 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Ifiok Umoh Eric Edwards Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield* Randy Wolff* SiSoft Walter Katz Mike LaBonte Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Zuken USA Lance Wang Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of Minutes: - Michael called for review of the minutes from the September 9, 2020 meeting. Michael displayed the minutes. Arpad noted a typo where "forth" should be "fourth". Arpad moved to approve the minutes with this correction. Randy seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. Review of ARs: - Michael to check if the most recent drafts have been posted to the website. - Michael stated this is still open, and this may take some time [AR]. - Michael to send out EMD draft24. - Michael reported this is done, and he sent out the latest copy of the bin list. Opens: - None. Examples with bus_label and Touchstone: Randy shared the examples in section 13.7. Michael asked about the highlighted text. Randy replied this should be deleted, as he and Bob have added a new introduction for the examples. Michael had comments on the way the text is written, but he will wait to discuss this. He asked if the word "connected" in this case does not include any cases of shorted. Randy noted there is some merging in the examples, and we may want to change how this is worded. Michael thought the term "connected" includes this case, and we can come back to this. Arpad asked about VSS not splitting, while VDD does split. Randy thought this would complicate the examples. Arpad suggested to add this to only one example. Bob commented the two VDD are different terminals and there is no connection, unless this is done in the IBIS-ISS model. You may have a case of a broken connection. Walter asked what is meant by broken connection. Bob replied the connection is documented in the EMD Model. Walter commented the goal of a simulation is to get the current flow between the EMD pins and the component. If you do not have such a model, then you have to use the rail voltages defined in the model. Bob agreed with using this. Arpad suggested to add a comment about VSS in the introduction of the example. Bob noted the A_gnd can be used to model this as well. Randy noted the example includes three EMD Groups: one with no coupling and rails included, one with IBIS-ISS including crosstalk, and one with a Touchstone model including crosstalk. In the Groups with coupling, there are Aggressor_Only tags. Bob suggested we might put a comment after A1 to say DQ1. Randy agreed we can do this. Randy noted the Touchstone example is a Touchstone 2 model. We have a 24-port model and only use some of the ports. The other ports end up terminated. Walter commented no one would use the VSS as the reference for the S-parameter, and he recommended to use the A_gnd for the reference. Michael asked if the existing example has any value for the parser developer. Bob recommended to use Walter's second example sent over email and to make the last terminal A_gnd. Arpad asked, in the Interconnect syntax, we only have the Terminal number and the A_gnd. Bob disagreed. Randy agreed with Arpad and showed the rule on page 25 of the EMD BIRD. Arpad asked, about the second example, if the A_gnd should always be on an odd terminal. Randy noted this is a 5-port S-parameter, and the reference is on the 6th terminal. Walter suggested to have the examples reflect how people create these models for ground based simulations. Arpad was concerned with this approach, since the IBIS models include the ground. Pulling current from the ideal node 0 is not correct. Michael asked if we want to add a comment about the issues with this. Randy suggested to only include the last example. Michael and Arpad agreed with this. Randy will add comments and make the revisions as discussed to the examples [AR]. Bin List Review: Michael noted, for item #16, we made some changes last time, and this is now closed. For item #17, this phrase is no longer in the EMD draft, but it is in the IBIS specification. Randy noted this is correct, and this needs to be added to IBIS 7.0 known issues list. Randy confirmed the issue has been added to the IBIS 7.0 known issues list. Michael confirmed item #19 is done. [EMD Part Map] is not used in the EMD draft. Michael commented, for item #24, the term "Designator Pin" is not defined. The first time it is used is in the introduction on page 7. Arpad asked if we want to include the brackets. Randy replied we are not consistent on using the brackets. Michael commented we can make this as part of the editorial pass. Bob stated we have confusion if we are referring to the keyword or the concept. Randy suggested to add a statement about the difference between the Designator Pin and the Designator Pin List. Michael commented we also use the term "EMD Designator", which is a different concept. Bob stated this is a list of the designators. Michael commented the concept of designator is never defined. Bob noted it is an expansion of the EBD Reference Designator. Michael suggested adding a definition on page 12. Arpad suggested to add a comment about the EMD Designator and Designator. Walter commented designator is an instance of a component mounted on module. Michael will move the definition of designators to section 13 [AR]. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be September 23. Arpad moved to adjourn. Randy seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. ================================================================================ Bin List: EMD Comments to be Resolved: (See BIRD202.1 tracking spreadsheet) IBIS-ISS Parser: - IBIS-ISS parser scope document