================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ibis.org_interconnect-5Fwip_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=fEAx0ljqPe7WtkXkQnig3dkfJpgSlqsEbbp2uXWJInE&s=FNIvEW-Y2xu6jMHt32ywBDI2TRkKhqAa2ygJqJVx2KI&e= Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org Archives at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.freelists.org_archive_ibis-2Dinterconn_&d=DwIGAg&c=nKjWec2b6R0mOyPaz7xtfQ&r=DcQR-qLpQg5lIreuM6-NYECRIAFXt268PRNS5WO043M&m=fEAx0ljqPe7WtkXkQnig3dkfJpgSlqsEbbp2uXWJInE&s=4INyAoRLMMe08F0d2hL6DliMm4rJgavXmzgjxrc5v0w&e= ================================================================================ Attendees from October 7, 2020 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark* Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Ifiok Umoh Eric Edwards Keysight Technologies Radek Biernacki Mentor, A Siemens Business Arpad Muranyi* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield* Randy Wolff* SiSoft Walter Katz* Mike LaBonte Teraspeed Labs Bob Ross* Zuken USA Lance Wang Michael Mirmak convened the meeting. No patents were declared. Justin Butterfield took minutes. Review of Minutes: - Michael called for review of the minutes from the September 30, 2020 meeting. Michael displayed the minutes. Curtis moved to approve the minutes. Randy seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. - Randy asked about the mention of the IBIS 7.0 known issues list in the minutes. Michael replied the issue is the language used to describe the columns when the keyword is the header of the column. The question is if this language needs fixed in the IBIS specification. Randy asked if we can reference the Clock Pins BIRD. Bob commented the data columns consist of up to four columns, but there are three column headers following the keyword. We need to check if we are talking about the column headers or the data in the columns. Michael agreed we should check this. Randy will add the keyword column header language issue to the IBIS 7.0 known issues list [AR]. Review of ARs: - Michael to check if the most recent drafts have been posted to the website. - Michael sent a list of drafts that need to be posted to Steven Parker. Michael suggested to keep this open until all the documents have been posted [AR]. - Michael to move the definition of designators to section 13. - Michael stated this is highlighted as an issue. He recommended to keep this open [AR]. - Michael to send out EMD draft 26. - Michael reported this is done. - Randy will look at the cross referencing of the rules on page 19. - Randy sent out an email on this subject. His recommendation needs to be reviewed. Opens: - None. EMD Draft26 Review: Michael shared the draft 26 and Randy's email regarding the rules on page 19. Randy noted this section came from Interconnect Model. He commented the text is covered elsewhere and recommended to delete the highlighted text. Bob agreed we are covering this in the EMD section, and this is redundant. Randy commented it is covered better in other places. Michael asked about the comment in the email regarding the list of .ems keywords on page 8. This is out of place, since the section is about the .emd file. Bob noted this could be moved to the .ems section. The keywords are also covered in the table. Randy noted the table on page 19 covers the keywords, and this text is redundant. Bob asked if it is still readable without the list. Michael was okay to not include the list. Michael noted there is a comment on page 21 asking if the first combination rule for rails is consistent with the previous statements. Randy noted this says that you shall have one or more rail connections between the EMD terminals and designator terminals. Michael asked what we should do with this. Bob replied the word "and" implies you must do this. He suggested to clean up this language. Randy suggested to delete this statement. Michael asked if the rule is stated elsewhere. Michael suggested to add the phrase "or only to designator terminals". Curtis asked what is the point of defining a Power Delivery Network (PDN). Randy noted on page 8 we mention PDN, but we do not mention the designator to designator case. Michael commented the PDN is not a special syntax case. He asked how we would enforce this rule for PDNs. Randy replied the PDN would have rail terminals, but we don't care where it connects. There could be a capacitor across rails at one designator. Michael asked if we can change the word "shall" to "can have". Randy suggested we are not defining what an EMD model may contain. Michael deleted this first rule. Michael asked if the other rules for rails on page 21 are necessary or not. He asked if these are parser enforceable, and he suggested these could be examples. Bob was against changing these to examples. Randy suggested to delete these rules, as these are defined with the first set of bullets. Michael asked if we can move these statements as examples of applications. Randy suggested these could be added on page 28. Bob asked we if we should also include similar statements for rails. Michael suggested to break these up and put them in the various sections. Randy suggested we will need to review this section. Michael commented, on page 24, there is a sentence in parentheses. He suggested to remove the parentheses. Randy noted there is a repeat of Terminal_type_qualifer on page 25. This is a copy and paste of the same text, and the first version is better. Randy noted, on page 26, the comment is suggesting to remove the mention of the data book. This was changed in the EMD Pin List for signal name. Michael suggested this rule can be deleted. Bob commented it cannot be checked by the parser. On page 26, Randy's comment notes there is an incorrect statement in the connection rules. The EMD Designator List does not contain signal_name. Curtis asked if this is trying to say the signal_names do not have to match in the hierarchy. Randy replied this is stated in the next set of rules. Michael asked if we removed this if all the cases are covered. Michael will send out EMD draft 27 [AR]. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be October 14. Curtis moved to adjourn. Arpad seconded. The meeting adjourned without objection. ================================================================================ Bin List: EMD Comments to be Resolved: (See BIRD202.1 tracking spreadsheet) IBIS-ISS Parser: - IBIS-ISS parser scope document