Message strings from ibischk3 V3.2.6 that appear to be problem notifications: %s %s Value Cannot Be 'NA' for %s Beginning at Line %d %s %s data is non-monotonic %s %s: %s has Decreasing Current %s %s: %s has Increasing Current %s '%s': %s %s Ramptime %5.3ensec unusually large ( > %5.3ensec ) %s : Typ is not in between Min and Max for Model Spec defined on line %d %s Already Defined %s Not Defined For %s Waveform Beginning on Line %d %s Not Defined For Ramp Beginning on Line %d %s Over %s Characters Long %s Pin Subparameter Must Be '%s' %s and %s cannot be specified together %s is an invalid Pin_Mapping column entry. %s is greater than zero for Model Spec defined on line %d %s is greater than zero for Sub Model Spec defined on line %d %s is less than zero %s is less than zero for Model Spec defined on line %d %s is less than zero for Sub Model Spec defined on line %d %s keyword column count must be %d or %d, found %d columns. %s must be greater than 0 in a Ramp specification %s requires %s to be specified for Model Spec defined on line %d %s specified after beginning of timing data %s string '%s' is too long, truncating to %u characters. %s(%s) is not greater than %s(%s) for Model Spec defined on line %d %s(%s) is not greater than or equal to %s(%s) for Model Spec defined on line %d %s(%s) is not less than %s(%s) for Model Spec defined on line %d %s(%s) is not less than or equal to %s(%s) for Model Spec defined on line %d '%s' Definition Missing '%s' Data '%s' Subparameter Missing %s '%s' column header not found or out of order. '%s' is the name of a Model and a Model Selector 'Driver Schedule' Missing model Name 'IBIS Ver' Keyword Not First In File 'Model Selector' Keyword Missing name 'Model' Keyword Missing name 'NA' Not Allowed For Typical Value 'Pin' Keyword Missing Data For Component '%s' 'Ramp' Keyword Not Defined For Model '%s' 'Sub Model' Keyword Missing name 'Voltage Range' Keyword Not Defined For Model '%s' 'signal_name' column header not found. 6 Line Items Not Allowed For These Pin Definitions A new Pin %s has been defined before terminating a previous Fork with the corresponding Endfork Add Submodel Mode not found Add Submodel Name Over %d Characters Long Add Submodel Name not found Add Submodel is not allowed for Series or Series_switch models All %s Hystereis Thresholds should be specified for Model Spec defined on line %d At least two delays must be specified Bad line type passed to hdr. Bandwidth <%u> must be less than Number_of_Pins <%u>. Bandwidth for this Banded, circle-back matrix exceeds the limit of %u. Bandwidth only allowed for Banded Matrices Blank Number_of_Pins value. Blank Number_of_Sections value. C should not be less than zero CMPT '%s', Pin '%s': Pin Capacitance %gpF greater than %gpF CMPT '%s', Pin '%s': Pin Inductance %gnH greater than %gnH CMPT '%s', Pin '%s': Pin Resistance %g Ohms greater than %g Ohms CMPT '%s': Cpkg %s value %gpF not within expected range (%gpF, %gpF) CMPT '%s': Cpkg Max value < Min value CMPT '%s': Lpkg %s value %gnH not within expected range (%gnH, %gnH) CMPT '%s': Lpkg Max value < Min value CMPT '%s': Rpkg %s value %g Ohms not within expected range (%g Ohms, %g Ohms) CMPT '%s': Rpkg Max value < Min value Cannot Nest Forks Capacitance matrix not found for Package Model '%s'. Capacitance_Matrix cannot be specified when Number_Of_Sections is specified for Package Model %s. Component '%s' contains a blank character. Component '%s' is duplicated within the .ibs file. Component '%s': Diff_Pin '%s' is not unique. Component '%s': Diff_Pin '%s' not previously declared in Pin section. Component '%s': Diff_pin '%s' already in use as an inv_pin. Component '%s': Inv_pin '%s' already in use as a Diff_pin. Component '%s': Model '%s' for Pin '%s' not defined. Component '%s': Pin '%s' not referenced in Pin Mappings. Component '%s': Pin Mapping '%s': gnd_clamp_ref entry is usually connected to GND. Component '%s': Pin Mapping '%s': power_clamp_ref entry is usually connected to POWER. Component '%s': Pin Mapping '%s': pulldown_ref entry is usually connected to GND. Component '%s': Pin Mapping '%s': pullup_ref entry is usually connected to POWER. Component '%s': Pin Mapping Pin '%s' not previously declared in Pin section. Component '%s': Pin Mapping gnd_clamp_ref entry '%s' is not connected to at least one pin whose model_name is POWER or GND. Component '%s': Pin Mapping power_clamp_ref entry '%s' is not connected to at least one pin whose model_name is POWER or GND. Component '%s': Pin Mapping pulldown_ref entry '%s' is not connected to at least one pin whose model_name is POWER or GND. Component '%s': Pin Mapping pullup_ref entry '%s' is not connected to at least one pin whose model_name is POWER or GND. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Model '%s' is not defined. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Model '%s' is not of type Series. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Model '%s' is not of type Series_Switch. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Model '%s' is of type Series so function_table_group '%s' is ignored. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Model '%s' is of type Series_Switch so function_table_group is required. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Model '%s' is of unknown type. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin1 '%s' has Model '%s' with unknown type. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin1 '%s' has an unknown model. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin1 '%s' not previously declared in Pin section. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin1 '%s': model type cannot be Series or Series_switch. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin2 '%s' has Model '%s' with unknown type. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin2 '%s' has an unknown model. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin2 '%s' not previously declared in Pin section. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] Pin2 '%s': model type cannot be Series or Series_switch. Component '%s': [Series Pin Mapping] defined but [Pins] not defined. Component '%s': inv_pin '%s' is not unique. Component '%s': inv_pin '%s' not previously declared in Pin section. Component name '%s' too long. Will be truncated Component: %s Series Switch Function '%s' is used but not defined Could not find definition for Submodel %s of Model %s Define_Package_Model '%s' is duplicated within the .ibs file. Description keyword not found for Package Model '%s'. Detected an orphan 'Node' sub param Detected previous unterminated Forks Detected the start of an orphan 'Endfork' Detected the start of an orphan 'Fork' Detected the start of an orphan 'NC' Detected the start of an orphan R/L/C section Diff_Pin column pin same as inv_pin column pin. Diff_Pin data line column count must be 4 or 6. Driver Schedule: Already Defined for this model Driving mode is not valid for input model types Duplicate C sub param in R/L/C section Duplicate C_pkg sub-parameter. Duplicate Capacitance Matrix. Duplicate Copyright keyword. Duplicate Date keyword. Duplicate Diff_Pin keyword found. Duplicate File_Rev keyword. Duplicate File_name keyword. Duplicate IBIS_Ver keyword Duplicate IBIS_Ver keyword. Duplicate Inductance Matrix. Duplicate L sub param in R/L/C section Duplicate L_pkg sub-parameter. Duplicate Len sub param in R/L/C section Duplicate Notes keyword. Duplicate Number_of_Pins keyword. Duplicate Number_of_Sections keyword. Duplicate Package keyword. Duplicate Path_Description '%s' Duplicate Pin '%s'. Duplicate Pin Mapping Pin. Duplicate Pin keyword found. Duplicate Pin_Mapping keyword found. Duplicate R sub param in R/L/C section Duplicate R_pkg sub-parameter. Duplicate Reference Designator '%s' Duplicate Resistance Matrix. Duplicate Row column index %u. Duplicate Series switch Group name '%s' Duplicate Series_Pin_Mapping keyword found. Duplicate Source keyword. Duplicate [Number of Pins] keyword Duplicate [Pin List] keyword found. Duplicate [Series_Switch_Groups] keyword found. Duplicate column header '%s' . Duplicate definition for %s %s EBD Model '%s' has no paths defined ERROR (line %*lu) - IBIS Version Cannot Be Determined. Exiting. Each line of Pin data must contain either 3 or 6 columns. Ebd Model keyword 'Begin_Board_Description' not found or blank. Ebd file '%s' recursively references the component %s in the calling Ebd file '%s' Empty Fork/Endfork found Empty R/L/C section found End_Model_Data cannot be specified when Number_Of_Sections is specified for package %s. Endfork found without enclosing Fork Error parsing R/L/C section. Missing '=' Exceeds 80 chararacters. Excessive data <%s>, only Index and Value should be specified for a Sparse_matrix. Expected %d columns in Package sub-parameter line, found %d columns. Expected %u Rows, found %u for Matrix ending previous to this line. Expected %u columns of Row data for [Row] %s in Matrix ending previous to this line, found %u column%c. Expected Pin <%s> at matrix row index %u, found at matrix row index %u. Expected at least one column of Row data for [Row] %s in Matrix ending previous to this line. Extraneous data on '%s' line. File Name Requires '.ebd' Extension. File Name Requires '.ibs' Extension. File Name Requires '.pkg' Extension. File name '%s' too long. Will be truncated File name ("%s") Does Not Match Internal Name ("%s") File name Too Long File name opened '%s' not the same as File_name '%s'. File_name '%s' contains a character '%c' that is illegal for DOS. File_name '%s' contains an upper case character '%c'. File_name '%s' contains more than one period. File_name '%s' must contain one period. Filename '%s' should be lowercase First %s Value should be the same as the Last for %s Waveform Beginning at Line %d Found a Node '%s' containing '/'. Possible syntax error Found a Node '%s' containing '='. Possible syntax error Found a Node '%s'. Possible syntax error Found a Pin Name '%s' containing '/'. Possible syntax error Found a Pin Name '%s' containing '='. Possible syntax error Found a Pin Name '%s'. Possible syntax error Found illegal character with code %x. Not 7bit ASCII. Converting to space Found some %s (%s) offsets greater than 0 for Table Beginning at Line %d Found some %s (%s) offsets less than 0 for Table Beginning at Line %d IBIS files should not contain tab characters. IBIS_Version must be first keyword. Illegal IBIS_Version '%s'. Illegal use of Reserved Word '%s'. Inductance matrix not found for Package Model '%s'. Inductance_Matrix cannot be specified when Number_Of_Sections is specified for Package Model %s. Invalid Add Submodel Line. Expecting two items only Invalid Character ("%1.1s") In File name Invalid Comment Character '%c'. Invalid Comment Character Definition. Invalid Node specified. Missing '.' Invalid Ramp %s Line Invalid Sub Model Name ("%s"); Reserved Word. Invalid Submodel Name ("%s"); Reserved Word. Invalid file name '%s'. It has no extension Keyword 'Package' not defined for Component '%s'. Keywords Must Begin In Column 1 L and C must be specified when Len != 0 L should not be less than zero Len should be specified before C Len should be specified before L Len should be specified before R Len should not be less than zero Matrix type not specified. Model %s %s: Found two Series_MOSFETs with identical Vds value %e Model %s %s: Lc_series cannot be specified if C_series is not specified Model %s %s: No series data found Model %s %s: Rc_series cannot be specified if C_series is not specified Model %s %s: Rl_series cannot be specified if L_series is not specified Model %s is of type Series_switch. [Off] keyword is required Model %s is of type Series_switch. [On] keyword is required Model %s used in the Driver Schedule of Model %s cannot itself have a Driver Schedule Model %s used in the Driver Schedule of Model %s is not defined Model %s used in the Driver Schedule of Model %s should be an output model Model %s: The [%s Waveform] Model %s: Vds not specified for [Series MOSFET] defined on line %d Model %s: Vds should be >= 0 for [Series MOSFET] defined on line %d Model %s: [Series_MOSFET] is not allowed in conjunction with the [Off] keyword Model '%s' %s Curve %s With A Typical Value of 'NA' Model '%s' in Model Selector '%s' is not defined in the file Model '%s' is of type Series_switch. %s should be defined before the [On] and [Off] sections Model '%s'. already used in this Model Selector Model '%s': %s Not Defined Model '%s': %s Required when No Voltage Range is Specified Model '%s': %s VI curves cannot drive through Vmeas=%gV Model '%s': %s is not allowed when Model_type is Series Model '%s': %s is not allowed when Model_type is Series_switch Model '%s': %s is set when Model_type is not Terminator Model '%s': '%s' Curve Requires More Than 1 Entry Model '%s': C_comp %s value %gpF out of expected range (%gpF, %gpF) Model '%s': Cac must be defined when Rac is Model '%s': Currents <> 0.0mA in 'Pulldown' for Open_source device Model '%s': Currents <> 0.0mA in 'Pullup' for Open_drain/Open_sink device Model '%s': Extreme currents present in %s %s VI Curve (%gA @ %gV) Model '%s': Model_type '%s' must have %s set Model '%s': Rac must be defined when Cac is Model '%s': Ramp Not Allowed for Series and Series_switch Model '%s': Ramp Not Defined Model '%s': The [Driver_Schedule] has no models defined Model '%s': The [Driver_Schedule] has only one model defined Model Descriptor string '%s' is too long, truncating to %u characters. Model Name '%s' Undefined For Pin '%s' Model Name ("%s") previously used in this Driver Schedule Model Name Over %d Characters Long Model Name Previously Defined ("%s") Model Name in Driver Schedule is the same as enclosing Model ("%s") Model Selector Name Over %d Characters Long Model Selector Name Previously Defined ("%s") Model Selector Sub-Parameter Model Selector: '%s' has no models defined Model Selector: '%s' has only one model defined Model Spec Sub-Parameter Model Specification: Already Defined for this model Model name not found. Model_Data cannot be specified when Number_Of_Sections is specified for package %s. More Pin Numbers names than Number of pins. More than 100 [Series_MOSFET]s are defined More than 100 data points provided for %s table No Column Index. No Component name found No Diff_Pin column entry. No Group names specified on this line No Model specified. No Pin Name found after Pin sub param No Pin Numbers names found. No Pin number. No Pin1 specified. No Pin2 specified. No Pin_name found . No Reference Designator name found No file name found No inv_pin column entry. No preceding [On] or [Off] keyword found. Assuming [On] No pulldown_ref data. No pullup_ref data. No found after Node sub param No row data. No signal_name found No tdelay_typ column entry. No vdiff column entry. Node Pin name string too long. will be truncated. Node Reference designator string too long. will be truncated. Non-Comment Line Exists After 'End' Keyword Non-Driving mode is not valid for output model types Non-comment line exists after 'End' keyword. Number of Pins <%u> not the same as count of Pin Numbers names found <%u>. Number of Pins is zero, unable to add Pin Number. Number of Sections should be specified before Pin Numbers Number_of_Pins = 0. Number_of_Pins keyword not found or value bad for Ebd Model '%s'. Number_of_Pins keyword not found or value bad for Package Model '%s'. Number_of_Sections = 0. OEM keyword not found for Package Model '%s'. Only %u columns of data allowed for this Row . Orphan Component keyword. Orphan Data Line. Orphan Data line. Orphan Electrical Board Description keyword. Orphan File Header keyword. Orphan Model Selector keyword. Orphan Model keyword. Orphan Package Model keyword. Orphan Sub Model keyword. Orphan data line keyword. Orphaned Keyword '%s'. Needs a '%s' PIN NUMBER string too long. POWER Clamp Reference POWER Pulse Table Package '%s' Subparameter Not Defined For Component '%s' Package Model keyword 'Define_Package_Model' not found or blank. Package Subparameter '%s' Already Defined For Component '%s' Package sub-parameters must start in column 1. Path %s or a branch does not terminate after NC Path Descriptor '%s' has no segments Pin %s is NC. Should not have any references in Pin Mapping Pin %s is a GND pin. Usually only has Pulldown_ref in Pin Mapping Pin %s is a POWER pin. Usually only has Pullup_ref in Pin Mapping Pin '%s' %s Over 20 Characters Long Pin '%s' Already Defined Pin '%s' found in Package_Model '%s' Pin_Numbers list not found in Component '%s' Pin list. Pin '%s' has %d sections. This is greater than the Number of Sections %d specified Pin '%s' not found on Component '%s' in file '%s' Pin '%s' used in Path '%s' not defined Pin '%s' was not referenced on any Electrical Path Pin '%s' was referenced %d times on Electrical Paths Pin '%s' was referenced on Electrical Paths but is implicitly connected to a power or a gnd plane Pin Mapping data lines must contain either 3 or 5 columns. Pin Numbers name string too long. will be truncated. Pin Subparameter '%s' Defined Multiple Times Pin Subparameter '%s' Is Missing Pin name string too long. will be truncated. Premature end of R/L/C section Pulldown Reference %s is also used as a Pullup Reference R should not be less than zero Ramp '%s' Subparameter Not Defined for Model '%s' Ramp Subparameter '%s' Already Defined For Model '%s' Reached Maximum Pin Count On Component '%s' Reference Designator '%s' refers to the Component '%s' itself being defined Reference Designator '%s' used in Path '%s' not defined Reference Designator name '%s' too long. Will be truncated Repeated ROW <%s>. Require at least 2 Data Points for %s Waveform Beginning at Line %d Require at least 2 Voltage Points for %s Beginning at Line %d Required End_Board_Description keyword not found. Required End_Model_Data keyword not found for package %s. Required End_Package_Model keyword not found. Required Model_Data keyword not found for package %s. Required keyword '%s' not found in file '%s'. Required keyword 'Component' not found. Required keyword 'End' not found. Required keyword 'Manufacturer' not defined for Component '%s'. Required keyword Pin_List not found. Required keyword Pin_Numbers not found. Required sub-parameter C_pkg not found. Required sub-parameter L_pkg not found. Required sub-parameter R_pkg not found. Resistance_Matrix cannot be specified when Number_Of_Sections is specified for Package Model %s. Series switch Group name '%s' over %d characters long Series switch Group name cannot be 'On' or 'Off' Signal name not found. Some Fork sub parameters were not terminated with Endfork Sub Model Name Over %d Characters Long Sub Model Specification: Already Defined for this sub model SubModel %s: Both Pullup and Pulldown cannot be specified when Off_delay is specified. SubModel Name Previously Defined ("%s") Submodel %s: Either [Pullup] or [Pulldown] is required when Submodel_type is Bus_hold Submodel %s: Empty Submodel Spec Submodel %s: GND Pulse Table or POWER Pulse Table or GND Clamp or POWER Clamp is required when Submodel_type is Dynamic_clamp Submodel %s: V_trigger_f (%s) is greater than the start of Falling Waveform Submodel %s: V_trigger_f (%s) is less than the end of Falling Waveform Submodel %s: V_trigger_r (%s) is greater than the end of Rising Waveform Submodel %s: V_trigger_r (%s) is less than the start of Rising Waveform Submodel %s: [Ramp] is required when Submodel_type is Bus_hold Submodel %s: [Submodel Spec] Off_delay cannot be specified with Dynamic_clamp submodels Submodel %s: [Submodel Spec] V_trigger_f is required when GND_Pulse is specified Submodel %s: [Submodel Spec] V_trigger_f is required when Submodel_type is Bus_hold Submodel %s: [Submodel Spec] V_trigger_r is required when POWER_Pulse is specified Submodel %s: [Submodel Spec] V_trigger_r is required when Submodel_type is Bus_hold Submodel %s: [Submodel Spec] is required when Submodel_type is Bus_hold Submodel '%s': %s Not Defined Suspicious Bandwidth value. Suspicious Number_of_Pins value. Suspicious Number_of_Sections value. TTgnd Max value should be > 0 TTgnd Min value should be > 0 TTgnd Typical value should be > 0 TTpower Max value should be > 0 TTpower Min value should be > 0 TTpower Typical value should be > 0 The %s Matrix is Banded and requires the 'Bandwidth' keyword. The maximum column must be specified or NA. The minimum column must be specified or NA. The typical column must be specified. Time value did not increase Too Many Line Items For Keyword COMMENT_CHAR. Too many Diff Pin data columns. Typ value is not in between Min and Max Unexpected data after signal_name. Unexpected token '%s' found in R/L/C section Unknown file extension'%s'. Should be '.ibs' or '.ebd' Unrecognized data after 'signal_name' Value %e repeated in the First Column Vinh should not be specified for model type %s Vinl should not be specified for model type %s Voltage Value Cannot Be 'NA' Waveform with [R_fixture]=%g Ohms and [%s]=%gV has %s column DC endpoints of %5.2fV and %5.2fv, but an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields When 5 columns are specified, the headings gnd_clamp_ref and power_clamp_ref must be used. When using 6 columns, the headers R_pin, L_pin, and C_pin must be listed. When using 6 columns, the tdelay_min and tdelay_max headers must be used. [GND Pulse Table] Already Defined [Model Spec] should be specified immediately after all the subparameters of a model and before the other keywords of a model [Model] %s has no description of the buffer's high state [Model] %s has no description of the buffer's low state DC [POWER Pulse Table] Already Defined [Row] %s must contain a self-coupled index and entry. [Series Pin Mapping] Data lines must contain either 3 or 4 columns. [Series Pin Mapping] When 4 columns are specified, the heading 'function_table_group' must be used. [Submodel Spec] should be specified before other keywords for a model