Contents of s2ibis2_NT 00readme.txt This file Windows 95/98 Version Windows NT/2000 Version THESE UTILITIES work only with Avanti HSpice ---------------- readme.txt for Readme - This file s2ibis2.exe - spice to ibis2 compiled for Win95 cygwin.dll - required dll file hspice.bat - batch file to call hspwin hspice.pif - pif file to cause batch window to exit after execution removePts.txt - Word 97 macro to remove all but 100 points from waveform tables All three files can be place into any pathed directory. The Windows directory works well. Make sure that hspwin.exe also resides in a pathed directory. To run s2ibis2, open an msdos window. Change directory to the directory where the .s2i file is located. Run s2ibis2 as usual. (i.e. s2ibis2 filename.s2i) This compilation of s2ibis2 contains several extensions of the original code: First, the resolution of all data placed in the ibis file has been increased to 5 significant digits after the decimal place. This resolves problems with slowly changing values which could previously cause "flat" I/V curves that are not acceptable for most simulators. Second, 251 waveform table data points are produced. This enhancement provides higher resolution reproduction of rising and falling edge waveforms. The previous code only produced 51 points, including zero. If the waveform simulation time was set to 10ns, only 200ps of resolution would be achieved. The change allows for 40ps resolution of waveform tables with a 10ns simulation duration. However, this is in violation of the IBIS specification which allows for only 100 waveform points. Some current simulators will allow for more points than the IBIS standard. Others will reject these as errors. (The authors simulator of choice will allow for waveform tables with more than 100 points, and in his opinion 100 points are not sufficient for many devices.) Third, a compilation dependent bug in the code has been fixed which would cause incorrect load and fixture connections to be made in waveform table spice simulations. For those who have simulator imposed waveform table point limitations, I have provided a Word 97 macro which can be used to reduce the table size from 251 to 100. This macro leaves the first 75 points intact (to maintain the high turn-on edge resolution) and then removes all but 25 points from the remainder of the table. Regards to all s2ibis2 users, Scott McMorrow SiQual (new e-mail) ---------------- readme.txt for Here is a newer compiled version of s2ibis2 which runs on winNT and 2000, along with a batch file. You may have to alter the batch file in order to get it to run if you are using Win95 or 98, since some of the batch file syntax is different. You will also need to set an environment variable to point to version of hspice you are using and possibly to change some of the paths. This version was recompiled with Microsoft C and has not had issues on any platform that I know of. Also, I have added some enhancements into the code to create tables with better decimal precision and waveform tables with 250 points. This makes the waveform tables non-compliant with the ibis spec and will cause the ibis checker to flag them as errors. However, many simulators do not mind and will allow tables with a larger number of points, which gives greater accuracy to the simulations. Please note that this version supports only the launch of Avant! HSPICE. None of the other Spice simulators are supported or work with this version. ________________ You must also download the following file under /pub/ibis/s2ibis/s2ibis2_v1.1/s2ibis2.tar.Z to get the documentation files and sample files that are needed for using files in this directory.