update to "ack" program

Subject: update to "ack" program
From: Gregory R Edlund (gedlund@us.ibm.com)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 08:59:05 PST

Hello Everyone,

I recently made a long-overdue bug fix to "ack," a C program I wrote a
while back that overlays two waveforms (in ASCII x-y format) and
numerically compares the datapoints. This program is useful in comparing
lab vs. simulation or behavioral vs. transistor-level simulations. The bug
was causing floating point overflows in certain cases.

You can find the new code on the IBIS web site. It's a free-ware program
that you have to compile yourself on your favorite system.


Greg Edlund
Electronic Packaging & Integration
IBM Server Technology Development
3605 Hwy. 52 N, Dept. HDC
Rochester, MN 55901

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