================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org ================================================================================ Attendees from April 17, 2024 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark, Juliano Mologni Broadcom James Church Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak Michael Brownell Keysight Technologies Ming Yan Marvell Steve Parker MathWorks Walter Katz* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield Siemens EDA Weston Beal*, Arpad Muranyi*, Randy Wolff* ST Microelectronics Aurora Sanna Synopsys Ted Mido, Edna Moreno Teraspeed Labs [Bob Ross] University of Illinois Jose Schutt-Aine Zuken USA Lance Wang* Randy Wolff called the meeting to order. No patents were declared. Randy reviewed the minutes of the April 10 meeting. Arpad noted the next meeting date was wrong. Arpad Muranyi moved to approve the minutes. Weston Beal seconded. The minutes were approved without objection. During the AR review, Michael has a still-open AR regarding checking the IEEE 370 specification for sampling information. Arpad reported on TSIRD7.1 status. He has not completed the draft but may have it available for review in next week's meeting. Touchstone 3.0 Port-mapping Structures Discussion: Walter noted his latest draft 3 of his proposal did not have tracked changes on, but it does now. He added a couple of requirements in the beginning. He changed from using bus_label to Group, but group can be a bus_label in the context of IBIS related content. He added subparameters IBIS_File, EMD_File, and C_comp_model_file. He has not added details on additional reserved subparameters Status and Probe, which relate to measurement setups. He added a section header for "User defined parameter names", content TBD. "Physical" is a string defining physical locations of terminals. There are reserved names for C Comp Models, EMD Models, and IBIS Interconnect Models. Walter added some text to the EMD Model section for P ports. Walter clarified that use of bus_label implies the EMD model file already exists, and the bus_label pins are defined in the EMD file. Use of Group implies the "bus_label" equivalent is being defined first in the Touchstone file, an EMD file would be defined later, and bus_label syntax would be created based on the Touchstone file's Group information. "Logical" is a string that would be shown in a schematic symbol. This is equivalent to a signal_name in IBIS context. Arpad asked how the Reference can have more than one location. Walter described a coplanar wave guide where a probe has 3 connections with 1 signal and 2 references. Randy suggested that "Left_Side" and other symbol ordering subparameters allow shorthand descriptions such as Bogatin or Gonzalez for two common ordering schemes. Walter added "Swathing" as a TBD item to the requirements list, which could be useful for connector modeling. Walter updated some examples to add "pin" and "pad" labels in the Logical names. Arpad noted Example 5 was mixing pad and buffer locations, and he thought this was not allowed in Interconnect Model syntax. Walter updated the example. Walter noted he could add several more examples. He planned to send out his updated draft after the meeting. Walter moved to adjourn. Arpad seconded. The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will take place on April 24, 2024. ================================================================================ Bin List: 1) [Complete draft Touchstone document separating version 1.0 and 2.0 into their own chapters] - REMOVED 2) Create structures to encapsulate Touchstone 1.0 data in Touchstone 2+ specifications - TABLED 3) Complete draft Touchstone 2.0 document containing TSIRD3 and TSIRD4 draft (Muranyi) – COMPLETED 4) Complete pole-residue format BIRD draft (Muranyi) - COMPLETED 5) Complete port naming proposal (Katz) - COMPLETED 6) Create alternatives to the Touchstone 1.0 option line before the "R" character - TABLED 7) Complete ISS-IRD 1 Draft - Enable Cascading of S-parameters Through W-element (Mirmak) - TABLED 8) Complete/revise Touchstone 3.0 draft outline (Mirmak) – dependent on several items above Tabled ARs: - Arpad to give an example of the physical connectivity needed for EMD automation.